"Hahaha, if you made a mistake, just say it. There's nothing embarrassing about it."

Di Yanwei looked at him and laughed, his smart eyes full of smiles, "But you are so cute when you are jealous."

Especially when she blushed, it made her want to pounce on him and ravage him severely.

However, due to how angry Kang Junyan was, Di Yanwei did not say the next words.

Being told that he was cute by his lover in front of him, even though Kang Junyan was overbearing and forceful, he still couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

The blush that had just receded gradually reappeared on her face again.

In order not to be laughed at by his lover again, Kang Junyan lowered his head and grabbed her red lips, tasting them domineeringly.

Regarding Kang Junyan's sudden kiss, Di Yanwei was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses and gradually responded.

This was the first time she seriously responded to Kang Junyan's kiss after confirming their relationship with him.

Perhaps it was a change in mentality. Regarding Kang Junyan's domineering and forceful kiss, Di Yanwei no longer had Kang Junyan, but instead felt a faint feeling of being addicted to it.

Seeing the indulgence in the eyes of the little wild cat in his arms, Kang Junyan's anger gradually disappeared, and then he became gentle, as if he was treating a treasure.

In the large study room, the temperature gradually increased, and the two people indulged in a kiss gradually began to become selfless.

The bodies of the two became increasingly hot, and Hou Di Yanwei was slowly placed on the sofa, while Kang Junyan floated gently above her.

Looking at the little wild cat under him, Kang Junyan's eyes were burning, and his two big hands slowly and gently moved around her body.

He didn't dare to use more force for fear of hurting her.

The two big hands moving around his body seemed to have magic power, making Di Yanwei feel that the place where they were touched was very hot.

Just when Di Yanwei was immersed in Kang Junyan's tenderness, there was a very inappropriate knock on the door.

Kang Junyan turned a blind eye to the knock on the door and continued to move. Somewhere on his body felt even more painful.

Kang Junyan turned a blind eye, but the knocking on the door continued, showing amazing perseverance.

And Di Yanwei, who was addicted to Kang Junyan's gentleness, gradually returned to reason because of this knock on the door.

Aware of the posture with Kang Junyan at this time, Di Yanwei's already reddish face suddenly became more rosy.

Her changes made Kang Junyan's eyes become hotter and hotter, and he felt that the little wild cat in his arms was even more delicious.

Just when Kang Junyan was about to take the next step, he was stopped by Di Yanwei.

"There's a knock on the door."

Di Yan blushed slightly, not daring to meet his almost scalding gaze, and reminded him in a low voice.

"Do not care."

Kang Junyan wanted to pull her hand away and continue the next thing.

From the moment he met the little wild cat in his arms, he wanted to eat her into his belly every moment.

Now that he finally waited until the little wild cat was ‘willing’, he naturally couldn’t wait.


Di Yanwei stopped him again, looking even more embarrassed, "After knocking on the door for so long, there must be something important.

And, I, I’m not ready yet, so…”

Di Yanwei glanced at him cautiously and spoke weakly, like a child who had done something wrong.

Seeing the confusion in her smart eyes, Kang Junyan's burning factor was gradually controlled.

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