Seeing that Kang Junyan didn't speak, Di Yan plucked up his courage and looked up at him anxiously.

Sure enough, not surprisingly, what caught his eye was Kang Junyan's dark face.

At this time, Kang Junyan was frowning, and sweat was pouring out from his forehead, slowly crossing his handsome face.

Seeing how hard he was holding back, Di Yanwei suddenly couldn't bear it anymore.

She knew that Kang Junyan had always wanted to eat her, but he had never succeeded.

I have to say that if she were Kang Junyan, she would definitely be very depressed and aggrieved.

So... should she give up now?

However, before Di Yan could let go, Kang Junyan grabbed her red lips again, biting her lips as if punishing her.

The slight sting on his lips made Di Yan frown slightly.

Although it wasn't too painful, the feeling like electricity rushing through her was really... making her a little uncomfortable.

Just when Di Yanwei was almost breathless from being kissed, Kang Junyan reluctantly let go of her.

After letting her go, he took a nasty bite on her face.

Di Yanwei believed that it definitely left traces!

Although Di Yanwei wanted to chew it back, seeing Kang Junyan trying hard to suppress it, he showed mercy and stopped chewing it.

Kang Junyan buried his handsome face in Di Yanwei's neck, hugged her tightly, and tried his best to calm the heat in his body.

After a long time, Kang Junyan let go of Di Yanwei, pulled her up, and straightened her messy clothes with a dark face.

After making sure that no place was exposed that shouldn't be exposed, he looked coldly at the door that was still being knocked, and said with a bit of anger, "Come in!"

Di Yanwei, who had escaped another disaster, was sitting next to Kang Junyan, and he didn't dare to breathe.

Fearing that Kang Junyan would lose control again, he would knock her down and eat her.

Tsk tsk, the normal Kang Junyan is not scary, the scary thing is Kang Junyan who transformed into the wolf queen!

Recalling Kang Junyan's wolf-like hot gaze just now, Di Yanwei's little heart suddenly trembled hard.

There is an urge to run away.

However, considering that escaping for his life would only make Kang Junyan even more angry, he was stopped abruptly by Di Yanwei's rationality.

After getting permission, the person who knocked on the door for a long time slowly pushed the door open and entered.

When he saw that the person coming was Aunt Liu, Kang Junyan frowned without a trace.

In his opinion, Aunt Liu is not that ignorant of propriety.

As if feeling the low pressure from her leader, Aunt Liu's eyes swept over the two of them without leaving a trace.

"Sorry, sir, my wife hasn't had lunch yet, so I made her a bowl of noodles."

What Aunt Liu said was that she was afraid that Madam was hungry, so she kept knocking on the door.

Sure enough, after listening to Aunt Liu's explanation, Kang Junyan's low pressure instantly subsided a lot.

However, just keep a dark face. After all, the meat that is about to reach your mouth has passed by your mouth several times, which will make anyone feel aggrieved.

"let it go."

Kang Junyan's voice was slightly hoarse.

After all, Aunt Liu has lived for most of her life. She had some guesses about what happened here just now.

Although I feel a little sad that my leader cannot eat meat, if my wife is hungry, the leader will regret it.

Therefore, she did not regret interrupting her leader's good deeds.

"Thank you Aunt Liu."

Di Yanwei's eyes almost lit up when he saw the noodles that Aunt Liu put on the coffee table. They looked very good and had an extremely tempting aroma.

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