Hearing this, Di Yanwei trembled in his heart and felt even more guilty.

"Well, I will never joke about this again, and I promise that I will never reject you again."

Di Yanwei gave a serious assurance, while guilt and heartache appeared in Ling Dong's eyes.

After Di Yanwei gave his assurance, Kang Junyan, who was still exuding grief, quickly flashed a smile in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, the heat in his eyes became more and more obvious, and even somewhere, he stood up solemnly again.

Kang Junyan pulled down her little hand covering his mouth and kissed her palm gently, "You can't go back on what you said."

After saying that, before Di Yanwei could say anything, he suddenly captured her red lips, more passionately than ever before.


Di Yanwei, who was attacked by surprise, stared wide-eyed, a little confused by Kang Junyan's sudden change.

Weren't you still confessing your love just now? Why did it turn into a sneak attack on her again?

"Wait a minute, haven't I already explained it clearly? Why are you still here?"

After finally getting the vacancy, Di Yanwei said quickly.

Now that the explanation is clear, shouldn't she be allowed to take a shower? Why are you continuing?

Di Yanwei said that she was still very pure.

Kang Junyan stopped his movements, looked at her with extremely hot eyes, and revealed a very charming smile at the corner of his mouth.

"You just said you would never reject me again. Why, do you want to go back on your word?"

Kang Junyan raised his brows and narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing the dangerous information.

Di Yanwei suddenly became stunned, and even his brain was a little stuck.

"you you you……"

Di Yanwei stretched out his hand and pointed at him, as if he was greatly stimulated.

"Huh? What's wrong with me?"

Kang Junyan placed a kiss on her red lips and asked good-temperedly.

Regarding his rogueness, Di Yanwei simply couldn't laugh or cry.

"You scoundrel! You did it on purpose just now. You dug a hole for me to jump into!"

Di Yan puffed his face slightly and looked angry.

Kang Junyan smiled more and more charmingly and nodded very honestly, "Yes, but it is true that you promised me, isn't it?"

Looking at his twitchy smile, Di Yanwei gritted his teeth and choked out, "That's a fart!"

"Then you want to regret it?"

Kang Junyan instantly became expressionless, his eyes as dark as an eagle narrowed, showing a dangerous posture.

Meeting his dangerous look, Di Yanwei was immediately frightened and shook his head pitifully, "No..."

In an instant, the charming smile returned to Kang Junyan's face again, and he touched her head with his big hand.

"That's good. Don't worry, I'll be careful."

With that said, without waiting for Di Yanwei's reply, Di Yanwei started eating again.

At this point, there's nothing she can do about not giving her food. Who's going to make her right?

When he thought of Kang Junyan's desperate look just now, Di Yanwei felt a sudden pain in his heart, and the guilt in his heart became even worse.

Perhaps out of guilt, Di Yanwei responded shyly to Kang Junyan.

Her response undoubtedly surprised Kang Junyan, and his already enthusiastic actions became even more enthusiastic.

Not long after, the beautiful music was remembered in the huge room, accompanied by angry roars.

It wasn't until the sky turned slightly white that the music and roars in the room gradually died down.

When Di Yanwei woke up the next day, it was already past four in the afternoon.

When Di Yanwei woke up, she immediately felt sore and weak all over her body, especially her waist, which seemed to be about to break.

Moreover, it has increased significantly in one place.

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