My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1358 I can’t help but eat again and again

"woke up?"

As soon as Di Yan opened his eyes, a hoarse voice filled with concern came from his ears.

Di Yanwei slowly turned his head and saw the satisfied smile on Kang Junyanjun's face.

"Is there any discomfort?"

Seeing that she didn't speak, Kang Junyan suddenly frowned slightly, his eyes as dark as an eagle, full of concern.

Compared to Kang Junyan's contentment, Di Yanwei was just the opposite.

What's weird, Kang Junyan seemed to have taken the wrong medicine last night. He didn't know how to stop after he started.

From around ten o'clock in the evening, I kept tormenting her until six o'clock in the morning!

What the hell, is this still coming from a human?

The most deceiving thing is that if she hadn't fallen asleep from exhaustion, Kang Junyan, the big bastard, wouldn't have stopped.

Thinking of the sour feeling of being tortured last night, Di Yanwei gritted his teeth and stared at Kang Junyan angrily.

He looked like he wanted to take a bite of Kang Junyan.

"Kang Junyan, you big bastard, don't touch me again!!!"

Di Yanwei originally wanted to reach out and push Kang Junyan.

However, the hand she raised was soft, and when it hit Kang Junyan, it was as if she was caressing him, with no lethality at all.

Di Yanwei, who became so angry, immediately roared out.

However, I don't know if she yelled too much last night, but her voice became hoarse.

Even if it is roared, it seems to be coquettish and has no lethality at all.

When he noticed something strange about him, Di Yanwei became even more angry. Finally, he opened his mouth and bit Kang Junyan's chin directly.


Di Yanwei nibbled without mercy, and the stinging pain on his chin made Kang Junyan groan.

"Hmph, let me, you big bastard, torment me for so long, and I will bite you to death."

Biting Kang Junyan's chin without letting go, Di Yan hummed slightly.

That little appearance is like a night owl with explosive hair, showing off its power.

Kang Junyan finally got what he wanted and ate the little wild cat again and again, and he seemed to be in a very good mood.

He was not angry at her little revenge, but showed a doting smile, and his eyes as dark as an eagle were full of tenderness.

"I lost control last night. I will pay attention to it in the future."

Kang Junyan touched her head with his big hand and admitted his mistake, "However, madam, it is so delicious that I couldn't help but eat it again and again. I couldn't stop at all."

After talking about it, Kang Junyan's words gradually changed, his voice became hoarse, and at the same time, his eyes gradually became hot.

Thinking of the delicious food in his arms, the enthusiasm in Kang Junyan's body that had just been dormant for a short time became active again.

And somewhere in him, like a lion, he slowly woke up.

Di Yanwei was quite satisfied with Kang Junyan's obedient admission of his mistake. However, after hearing what he said next, he suddenly bit harder.

Damn it, Kang Junyan, this big bastard, obviously had poor determination, but he actually put the blame on her.

It just pissed her off!

However, the next moment Di Yanwei suddenly froze, his smart eyes widened, full of astonishment.

At the same time, there was still disbelief.

Because, she felt that she and Kang Junyan were still two in one.

Even Kang Junyan's jaw relaxed.

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