My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 136 Di Yanmo's Terrible Possessiveness

She had heard that the Xia Group was facing a crisis of bankruptcy recently, and if it couldn't be resolved within a month, it would definitely go bankrupt!

And it was her son-in-law who put Xia's group into bankruptcy crisis. Xia Xueli asked her to take her daughter and son-in-law to the old Xia family's house. !

"Then are you going, old lady?"

Lin Qian Yi asked while looking at the scenery outside the car window.

"Go, of course."

Xia Yuwei said firmly, "Didn't they used to be superior to our mother and daughter? I'll see tonight. They bow down to our mother and daughter like little dogs! Hmph!"

As she said that, Xia Yuwei snorted coldly. She didn't care about it before because she was afraid that they would hurt her daughter.

But now that her daughter has found a big backer husband, she just wants to see who dares to hurt her daughter!

Lin Qian Yi was not at all surprised by her old lady's answer, because this was her old lady.

An old lady who protects and loves her extremely, but also a very childish old lady.

After the two mother and daughter chatted for a while, they hung up the phone reluctantly.

After telling Yan Shiqi to kiss the place where Fourth Master worked, Lin Qian Yi closed her eyes and leaned back in the chair to rest.

Lin Qian Yi, who had never filmed for such a long time, was a little overwhelmed by the non-stop filming from the morning, but she felt very fulfilled and satisfied.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at the underground parking lot of Dishi Group.

At the parking lot, there was already a tall figure waiting there.

Yan Shiqi parked the car firmly in front of the tall figure, and did not disturb the sleeping Lin Qian Yi in the back seat.

Before Yan Shiqi could make a move, the tall man's figure had already opened the rear door.

Looking at the extremely well-behaved sleeping person, the man's cold face instantly softened, and his deep eyes were full of doting.

Di Yanmo carefully carried his petite wife out of the car like a treasure, and turned to another relatively spacious long car.

Di Yanmo's exclusive driver——Chen Zhong, had already opened the rear door and stood respectfully aside, waiting for the emperor-like man to get into the car.

During the process of getting into the car, Di Yanmo was also cautious, lest he disturb the sleeping person in his arms.

After the two were done, Chen Zhong closed the car door softly, then quickly got into the driver's seat and drove away.

Yan Qiqi had already reported to Di Yanmo about Lin Qian Yi's movements before, so the destination of the car was Xia's old house.

Looking at the slightly tired little wife in his arms, Di Yanmo's unwavering eyes flashed a touch of distress.

How much he wanted to hold his little wife in the palm of his hand, not to let her suffer the slightest bit of pain, just want her to be happy forever and carefree.

However, he also knew that her little wife was a person, not a doll to be manipulated by him, so no matter how distressed he was, he still let her go.

Step by step, towards the life she wants.

But... the premise of all this is that his little wife will not leave him. If his little wife leaves him, he will have no way of predicting what crazy things he will do.

Di Yanmo watched Lin Qian Yi's eyes become deeper and deeper, as if he was going to suck Lin Qian Yi in, and at the same time, the possessiveness flickered in the depths of his eyes was terrifying and frightening.

The soft kiss fell, like an extremely sincere oath...

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