My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 137 Di Yanmo's fear is only because of his little wife

An hour later, the car stopped outside the Xia family's old house, but there was no movement inside the car.

Inside the car, Di Yanmo hugged his little wife in his arms, resting his chin lightly on the top of her head, with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was enjoying the tranquility of the moment.

The softness in his arms made Di Yanmo's cold heart feel warm and full of his little wife.

Only when facing his little wife did he feel that he was alive, not a robot that could only walk around without getting tired.

As for Chen Zhong, he got out of the car as soon as he arrived, and his tall body stood beside the car to prevent anyone from disturbing him.

Not long after, Lin Qian Yi finally woke up from her sleep.

The familiar breath and familiar embrace made Lin Qian Yi suddenly open her eyes, and looked up in surprise.

"Dear fourth master?"

Lin Qian Yi blinked her eyes, looking at Fourth Master who was holding her in his arms, with a dazed expression on her face.

Immediately, Lin Qian Yi looked at the environment in the car again, and found that she was no longer in her car, and the doubts on her face became even more serious.

When did the fourth master of her family come? And without her knowing it, she was carried into another car.

At this moment, Lin Qian Yi couldn't help thinking: If she fell asleep somewhere else, she didn't know if she would be sold by someone.

However, what Lin Qian Yi didn't know was that with her usual vigilance, if the person hugging her was a stranger or someone else, she would definitely wake up immediately.

However, Di Yanmo was someone she recognized subconsciously, and he was also someone she relied on wholeheartedly, so she didn't wake up.

And this, Lin Qian Yi was completely unaware of this.

Looking at the confused little wife, Di Yanmo stretched out his slender index finger and gently scratched the tip of her nose, "Little lazy pig, let's go."

"Ah? Go? Where are you going?"

Lin Qian Yi couldn't react, but she obediently got off the fourth master's lap.

"The Xia family."

Di Yanmo replied, and at the same time, his deep eyes looked at his little wife's expression without blinking.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said with a smile, "Let's go in, it's getting late, I've been asleep for a long time, right?"

With that said, Lin Qian Yi opened the door and got out of the car first.

Seeing that his little wife looked normal, the tension hidden in Di Yanmo's deep eyes gradually dissipated.

He cared about everything about his little wife, and wanted to know her every minute and every second, but he knew that it was impossible.

Therefore, while he sent Yan Shiqi to protect his little wife, he also asked Yan Shiqi to report his little wife's whereabouts to him.

He knew that with his little wife's keenness, she must have noticed it immediately.

Although he didn't regret it, he was afraid, afraid that his little wife would be disgusted, he really hated him.

Fortunately, fortunately, what he was afraid of did not come, and his little wife did not feel disgusted, let alone loathed him.

However, Di Yanmo's worries were completely unnecessary.

Because, in Lin Qian Yi's view, what her family's fourth master did was all because he cared about her and cared about her.

For a person who is sincere to you, why should you be disgusted? Disgusted even?

Moreover, if you treat someone you don't love, why bother so much?

All of this just means that the fourth master of her family cares about her very much.

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