"Come on, kiss fourth master, I'm a little hungry."

Lin Qian Yi turned to look at the fourth master in the car, stretched out her little hand to him, and said with a smile.

Facing the smiling eyes of his little wife, the corners of Di Yanmo's mouth slightly curled up, his eyes full of pampering.

The big hand held the small hand, and one tall and one short walked side by side to the door of Xia's house.

Under the light, the shadows of the two were elongated, and they leaned tightly together, making people feel the warmth of the two clearly.

"Dear fourth master, I want to eat crayfish later, and you need to peel the shrimp shells for me."

Lin Qian Yi held the strong arm of her dear fourth master, raised her head, and looked at the people around her with bright eyes.

"I want to eat green vegetables."

Knowing his little wife's temperament of not giving up until she achieves her goals, Di Yanmo reluctantly agreed, but at the same time, he also asked his little wife to pay attention to her diet.


Knowing that the fourth master had agreed, Lin Qian Yi smiled even brighter.

When Xia's family had dinner, she wasn't worried at all that there would be no crayfish.

Because, Xia Xueli's so-called uncle begged her and the old lady, and would definitely make arrangements according to their preferences.

Thinking of eating her favorite crayfish in a while, Lin Qian Yi couldn't hide the smile on her face, like a smiling cat.

Seeing his little wife's cute appearance, Di Yanmo's cold heart softened miraculously, and a warm breath surrounded his heart.


Inside the Xia family's old house.

Luxurious lobby with bright lights.

"Your daughter's airs are really big, let us have so many people, just wait for her as a little girl."

Zhang Dongmei, who was dressed brightly, glanced at Xia Yuwei who was sitting aside, calm and composed, and said in a strange way.

As for Zhang Dongmei's eccentricity, Xia Yuwei was not angry at all, because the more upset Zhang Dongmei was, the more happy she felt.

New and old grudges, today she will repay them well.

"Oh~ I'm so sorry, my Yiyi was cast by a film crew, and the director insisted on her playing the role of the third female lead, and said that the third female lead would fly to her. My Yiyi couldn't refuse anymore, after all , our Yiyi is a newcomer, so it's normal that filming delays time."

Xia Yuwei showed off with a smile, her tone was as offensive as possible.

It was as if Zhang Dongmei and Xia Baizhi, who was sitting next to her, gritted their teeth with hatred, and their faces turned blue and white.

After the end, Xia Yuwei was still so angry that she couldn't pay for her life, she added, "Unlike Bai Zhi, who is idle all day, alas~ I'm really more angry than people, I still think about my family, Yiyi, take a little time, so that I can accompany you every day. Take a look at my old mother."

"Xia Yuwei!"

Xia Yuwei's words pierced into Zhang Dongmei's heart like a thorn, making her furious, wishing she could tear Xia Yuwei's smiling face on the spot.

"Hey~ what's the matter? My hearing is very good, so you can keep your voice down and pay attention to your image, Mrs. Xia..."

Xia Yuwei deliberately looked at Zhang Dongmei pretending to be puzzled, and finally sarcastically said.


Xia Yuwei's repeated taunts made Zhang Dongmei almost run away, but she was stopped.

"Shut up, don't you think it's messy enough?!"

Xia Xueli on the side scolded loudly, staring at Zhang Dongmei fiercely, with a flash of disgust in his eyes.

Zhang Dongmei opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Xia Baizhi in time.

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