My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 139 What is it like to have a little wife who can eat fried chicken?

Xia Baizhi tugged at Zhang Dongmei's clothes, and secretly winked at her mother.

Now they have something to ask Xia Yuwei, if they fall out at this time, it is obviously unwise.

Moreover, if the matter fails this time, the father will definitely anger her and the mother even more, so, no matter how cruel your heart is, you must hold back, as long as you pass this test, there will be more opportunities to teach Xia Yuwei a lesson in the future!

Thinking of this, Xia Baizhi's eyes flashed a hint of viciousness.

Zhang Dongmei, who was originally on fire, saw her daughter's hint, and suddenly woke up like a dream, only to realize that their purpose this time is to beg Xia Yuwei, a stinky woman!

Zhang Dongmei suppressed the overwhelming anger in her heart, and sat back on the sofa fiercely.

The thoughts in her heart were undoubtedly the same as Xia Baizhi's, she was determined to find an opportunity to teach Xia Yuwei and her daughter after passing this test.

Seeing Zhang Dongmei's mother and daughter's aggrieved expressions, Xia Yuwei felt very happy in her heart.

These two mothers and daughters usually never gave her a good look, but now the feng shui has finally turned, and it's their turn to see their own looks!

This feeling is really not too cool!

Xia Xueli's expression on the side was not good either, but for the sake of the Xia Clan and everything he had worked so hard to obtain, he had to lower his proud head.


While Xia Yuwei was admiring the livid faces of the three people opposite, a familiar voice came from the door.

"My baby is here, it's so late, are you hungry?"

As soon as she heard the voice of her daughter, Xia Yuwei immediately raised a doting smile, stood up and looked at the daughter who came in.

"Hee hee, I still know my heart best, is there any crayfish tonight?"

Seeing her mother, Lin Qian Yi instantly abandoned her fourth master and ran over to give her mother a big hug.

"Of course, some people asked our mother and daughter to prepare it according to our preferences, so baby girl, don't worry about not having crayfish tonight."

Xia Yuwei fondled her daughter's long hair, then glanced at Xia Xueli and the others, and said meaningfully.

However, Xia Yuwei looked her daughter up and down, and frowned, "Baby girl, why are you so thin? Is it because filming is too hard? Or is it because your son-in-law didn't prepare any food for you?"

Looking at the girl who seemed to have become thinner, Xia Yuwei's eyes flashed with distress, and then she cast a reproachful glance at Di Yanmo behind Lin Qian Yi.

Hearing the words of his mother-in-law, Di Yanmo was not angry, but a hint of helplessness flashed in his deep eyes.

His little wife was more important than his life. It was too late for him to love her, how could he starve his little wife.

Only since he met his little wife, what he loves his little wife the most is the way his little wife eats.

Because his little wife eats food all the time, he has some doubts whether his little wife's belly is a bottomless pit.

Otherwise, how can there be a feeling of not being full no matter how much you eat?

As for Lin Qian Yi, after hearing what her mother said, she felt a little guilty.

Because, after she got the certificate with Qinqin Fourth Master, she seemed to be eating all the time. It was really because the chef of Qinqin Fourth Master's family made delicious food.

She couldn't help but eat again and again. After being raised like this by the kissing fourth master for more than half a month, it's considered very good that she didn't become fat.

As for the thinness that my mother said, it is a precipice and an illusion. Hey!

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