Di Yanwei almost laughed out loud at his action. He obviously agreed, but was indifferent and still rubbed her face happily.

"Kang Junyan!"

Di Yanwei almost gritted his teeth and spoke out word by word, his smart eyes blazing with fire.

However, Kang Junyan just paused and continued.

At this time, Di Yanwei was furious, stretched out his hands to push him away, and then ravaged his handsome face mercilessly.

"I let you rub it!!!"

Di Yanwei's hands were doing random things on his handsome face, pinching, pinching, rubbing, pulling, and pressing, and all kinds of torture were used one by one.

The leader who had been misbehaved stood there obediently, holding the person in his arms tightly and letting her ravage her to her heart's content.

As long as the little wild cat is relieved, it will be much easier for him to eat next time.

Di Yanwei, who didn't know Kang Junyan's little thoughts, was very happy when he was being tortured. After the end, he even snorted arrogantly.

Like a high and mighty queen.

After Di Yanwei had ravaged her enough, Kang Junyan looked at her with resentment, as if he was extremely wronged.

Seeing his aggrieved look, Di Yanwei suddenly felt that Kang Junyan like this couldn't be too cute.

Suddenly being poked at his cute spot, Di Yanwei once again ravaged his handsome face passionately.

Kang Junyan, who was tortured again, became more and more resentful. However, it did not make Di Yanwei feel any guilt.

Yet it still made her laugh.

"Hahaha, my dear Chief, has anyone ever said that you are so cute?"

Laughing, Di Yanwei couldn't help but imitate what Kang Junyan did just now and rub his handsome face with her own.

"So comfortable."

After rubbing it for a while, Di Yanwei narrowed his eyes slightly and began to enjoy it a little.

Both of them have very good skin, so when they rub each other, it's like rubbing a slightly cold peeled egg, it's very comfortable.

Of course, this also depends on the person.

Not only did the little wild cat relieve his anger, but he also enjoyed other benefits of rubbing his face, which made Kang Junyan feel even happier.

His eyes, as dark as an eagle, were full of tenderness and smile.

After enough rubbing, Di Yanwei directed Kang Junyan again and asked him to carry her into the bathroom to wash up.

In her current state of soreness, if she wanted to go to the bathroom to wash herself, she could only lie on her hands or move at a snail's pace.

Therefore, it is better to have a human body.

Kang Junyan, who got his wish, naturally obeyed.

However, as soon as he took a step, he stopped again, hugged the person in his arms, squatted down and picked up the ring that fell on the ground last night.

Di Yanwei thought that Kang Junyan was trying to trick her again, so he almost lost his temper.

However, when he saw the ring he picked up, Di Yanwei's eyes flashed and he subconsciously raised his right hand.

On the ring finger of her right hand, she wore a simple but exquisite ring.

"Put it on for me."

Kang Junyan handed her the ring and looked straight at her with a hint of expectation.

Di Yan smiled slightly and took the ring, took his left hand and put the ring on him religiously.

The two people's hands were clasped together, and the identical rings were also close to each other, as if they were stuck together.

"Put on the ring and you will be my husband."

Di Yanwei imitated Kang Junyan's arrogance and strength last night, raised his chin and said arrogantly, "You are not allowed to provoke other women, you know?"

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