My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1364 You are not allowed to like other women

Kang Junyan held her firmly and stood up, walking to the bathroom. Hearing this, he nodded obediently, "Yeah, I know."

"You're not allowed to like other women or go see other women, you know?"

Di Yanwei pushed further and said domineeringly.


Kang Junyan continued to nod in a very good-tempered manner, with a tender smile on his handsome face.

His little wild cat finally learned to be jealous.

Di Yanwei was very satisfied with Kang Junyan's compliance and rubbed his face in appreciation.

Kang Junyan was enjoying the beauty in his arms while neatly taking a bath, feeling very satisfied.

"Take a shower first."

Kang Junyan held the person in his arms, lifted his feet into the large bathtub, sat down slowly, and then washed the person in his arms.

Perhaps because he was too tired, Di Yanwei did not stop him from cleaning himself, and even closed his eyes and leaned against him lazily.

Di Yanwei, who was enjoying Kang Junyan's gentle service, completely forgot that the two of them were still in a situation where they became one and could not distinguish each other...

I have to say, the habit is really terrible.

In the end, if Kang Junyan hadn't been afraid of starving the person in his arms, he would have reluctantly withdrawn.

The two of them are probably still one, enjoying the baptism of warm water in the bathtub.

After Kang Junyan withdrew, Di Yanwei realized this, and his face, which was already slightly red from the warm water, suddenly became even redder.

There was a vague sense of déjà vu that turned into anger.

However, under Kang Junyan's subsequent gentleness and carefulness, the irritation and anger quickly dissipated.

He was served to wash and brush his teeth, put on clothes and shoes, and then was carried downstairs by Kang Junyan to eat.

Di Yanwei said that she was very satisfied with Kang Junyan's series of services.

Seeing that he performed so well, Emperor Di Yanwei forgave him for his too enthusiastic exercise last night.

Being held by Kang Junyan and sitting down at the dining table, Di Yanwei couldn't help but wonder, "Where is Yan Ping? Why didn't he come today?"

He was used to seeing Yan Ping come to the villa every day to wait for Kang Junyan, but he didn't see him today, and Di Yanwei quickly discovered it.

"I let him take care of things and there's no need to come here."

Kang Junyan, who had a full meal last night, rarely felt jealous. He hugged the person in his arms and began to feed him.

"I can just eat it myself."

Looking at the food Kang Junyan brought to his lips, Di Yan was a little embarrassed and struggled to get off his lap and sit on the chair by himself.

However, as soon as she moved, the sour feeling in her body suddenly became clearer, making her almost fall down on the dining table.

Fortunately, Kang Junyan acted quickly and hugged her soft body.

Seeing that she was almost injured, Kang Junyan immediately turned cold, his strong and domineering attitude clearly revealed.

"Be calm and eat well, otherwise..."

As he spoke, Kang Junyan lowered his head and bit her earlobe lightly as if to punish her.

Di Yan trembled slightly, feeling a little warm all over his body. He subconsciously shrank his neck and nodded obediently.

Her body was so limp that she couldn't even hold her rice bowl firmly, and she couldn't help but feed her.

After being fed, Di Yanwei was carried back to the room by Kang Junyan, covered with a quilt and continued to sleep.

There is nothing I can do. After exercising for such a long time, it is difficult not to feel exhausted and paralyzed.

After Di Yanwei fell asleep, Kang Junyan left the bed and went to the sofa nearby to deal with things.

When Di Yanwei woke up, it was already the next morning.

"When you wake up, get up and eat something before going to sleep, otherwise you will starve your stomach."

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