Seeing that Di Yan was slightly awake, Kang Junyan stroked her face, placed a kiss between her eyebrows, and said softly.


Feeling that his body was no longer so weak and his strength had returned, Di Yan nodded slightly.

However, she did not move because she knew Kang Junyan would hold her to wash up.

Because this is the way the two of them have been getting along, and I don’t know when it started.

By the time Di Yanwei realized it, he couldn't quit.

I have to say that the chief’s scheming is really deep!

Looking at her like a lazy cat, Kang Junyan chuckled, picked her up gently, and walked to the bathroom.

After breakfast, there was a call from the Kang family's old residence in the villa.

"Master, I want you to go back to my old house for dinner tonight."

After Aunt Liu hung up the phone, she said to Kang Junyan respectfully.

Kang Junyan's eyes flashed, and the breath on his body became a little colder for a moment. After a moment, he said, "I know."

Sensing the low pressure on Kang Junyan's body, Di Yan pulled his clothes slightly and looked straight at him with his smart eyes.

Kang Junyan lowered his head and met his eyes.

"I'll accompany you."

Di Yan smiled slightly at him, his eyes full of sincerity.

She knew that he didn't like to go back to the Kang family's old house, or in other words, he didn't like or even hated other members of the Kang family.

Although she didn't know why, she still wanted to stay with him and let him know that he still had her.

In an instant, the cold air on Kang Junyan's body disappeared without a trace, as if flowers were blooming in spring.

Kang Junyan lowered his head, placed a kiss on her brow, put her in his arms, held her tightly, and felt the warmth of the person in his arms.

"I will protect you, no one can hurt you in the slightest!"

Kang Junyan spoke very calmly, but his eyes, as dark as an eagle, reflected a coldness that was extremely shocking.

"I trust you."

Di Yanwei responded to him, his smart eyes full of determination, "Besides, I will also protect you. Don't forget, my skills and brains are pretty good."

Di Yanwei said half-jokingly.

Hearing this, Kang Junyan chuckled and hugged him tighter.

Soon night falls.

Kang family hall.

"Dad, it's already half past seven. Don't wait any longer. Let's eat first."

Kang Shenghui looked at his watch, frowned and said to Mr. Kang who was sitting in the front seat.

"Yes, dad, your stomach is not good to begin with. Let's eat first. Jun Yan may be delayed by something."

Wang Lirong, who was sitting next to Kang Shenghui, also spoke with concern.

That look was very sincere.

However, after listening to her words, Mr. Kang became even more angry and snorted heavily from his nose.

Seeing this, Wang Lirong winked at Kang Yuling.

"Grandpa, the doctor said that you need to take good care of your stomach, and you can't go hungry, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable again."

After receiving her mother's message, Kang Yuling quickly stepped forward, picked up the snacks on the coffee table, and handed them to Mr. Kang.

"Grandpa, please eat some snacks to cushion your stomach first. These snacks are not sweet and have a slight fragrance. Mother specially asked the kitchen to make them."

Kang Yuling said to Mr. Kang obediently.

At this age, Mr. Kang no longer likes sweet food, but prefers food with a bit of fragrance.

In order to please Mr. Kang, Wang Lirong put a lot of thought into it.

Sure enough, after listening to Kang Yuling's words, Mr. Kang's anger decreased significantly.

"My granddaughter is still considerate, unlike that brat who only gets angry at me, an old guy!"

Mr. Kang praised Kang Yuling and brought Kang Junyan along with him.

However, Kang Junyan looked like he hated iron but could not become steel, with obvious dissatisfaction.

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