Kang Junyan's move undoubtedly angered the Kang family even more.

"Jun Yan, why don't you call me grandpa?"

Seeing that his son didn't take them seriously, Kang Shenghui suppressed his anger and said to Kang Junyan with a straight face.

If it weren't for Kang Junyan's current status, his so-called father would definitely scold Kang Junyan loudly.

Kang Junyan didn't even look at him, as if he didn't hear him.

Seeing Kang Junyan's posture, Di Yanwei knew that he had no intention of giving face to the Kang family.

And she naturally understood how to treat the people of the Kang family.

So, under the stares of several members of the Kang family, Di Yanwei leaned against Kang Junyan, looking like he was lazily watching a show, which made several members of the Kang family angry.

Came over just after dinner, just in time to watch a good show.

Di Yanwei thought harmlessly.

Kang Shenghui's face suddenly turned red with anger at being insulted by his son so ruthlessly.

"Bang - brat, what's your attitude? Are you treating me like this? I don't know, you thought I was your enemy!"

Kang Shenghui slammed the table and stood up, roaring at Kang Junyan.

However, his roar still failed to win a look from Kang Junyan.

Seeing Kang Shenghui's anger, Wang Lirong was naturally very happy to see it, but she didn't dare to show it on her face.

"Sheng Hui, don't be impulsive. Jun Yan, Jun Yan didn't mean it, he just, just..."

Wang Lirong stood up and took Kang Shenghui's hand, trying to put in a good word for Kang Junyan.

However, she seemed to be unable to explain the reason herself, which made Kang Shenghui even more angry.

"It's just? Just what? It's just that he doesn't have me in his eyes at all, right! Hmph, you traitor!"

Kang Shenghui glared at Kang Junyan and cursed angrily.

Although Kang Shenghui was angry, he did not dare to do anything to Kang Junyan.

It's not because Kang Junyan is the chief now, let alone because of Kang Junyan's skill.

But as a father, he was afraid of this son from the bottom of his heart.

Whenever he thought of the way Kang Junyan looked at him after he came back from that place, Kang Shenghui couldn't help but feel cold all over, and he was still scared from the bottom of his heart.

"Dad, don't be angry. How come you are not in my eyes? He has always respected you, right, brother?"

Kang Yuling received her mother's gaze and immediately stepped forward, standing on Kang Shenghui's other side to comfort her.

At the same time, he looked at Kang Junyan sincerely.

However, Kang Junyan ignored her and let her perform a one-man show by herself.

Seeing Kang Yuling's white lotus shrunken, Di Yanwei silently gave a thumbs up in his heart.

Not getting the slightest response from Kang Junyan, the smile on Kang Yuling's face froze, feeling so embarrassed.

"Okay, everyone, sit down."

After all, Mr. Kang is regarded as a commander, and his patience and determination are naturally very good.

Even though he was on the verge of rage, he was still suppressed by him.

Mr. Kang had already spoken, so Kang Shenghui, a son, naturally had to sit down obediently.

As for Wang Lirong and Kang Yuling, they were just acting, and they knew what it meant to cultivate when things were good.

So, I sat down again obediently.

However, in their hearts, they were not restless at all, and they were constantly thinking of various ideas to embarrass Di Yanwei.

The words Di Yanwei said when they were in the restaurant last time undoubtedly penetrated deeply into the hearts of the mother and daughter.

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