It made them hate Di Yanwei to the core of their bones.

Even though she knew that Di Yanwei was the third young lady of the Di family, her hatred did not diminish at all.

"Jun Yan, why don't you introduce me to grandpa?"

Mr. Kang's sharp gaze was directed at Di Yanwei, but his words were addressed to Kang Junyan.

Mr. Kang's gaze showed considerable pressure.

If she were an ordinary woman, she would definitely be frightened, but it happened that Di Yanwei was not an ordinary woman.

She wasn't even afraid of the big bastard Kang Junyan, so how could she be afraid of Mr. Kang, a tiger without claws?

"My woman."

Kang Junyan glanced at Mr. Kang and replied domineeringly.

Immediately, he took Di Yanwei's left hand with his right hand and clasped his fingers tightly with it. The two rings on the ring finger were so close together that they almost blinded the Kang family. "you……"

Seeing those two exquisite and low-key rings, Wang Lirong's eyes widened, filled with disbelief.

"Yes, she is my wife."

Kang Junyan answered in a rare good mood, with a slight curve in the corner of his mouth.

Kang Junyan's straightforward admission made the Kang family tremble in their hearts and they were a little unable to react.

Kang Yuling couldn't hide the viciousness in her eyes.

If Wang Lirong hadn't pulled her, she might have lost control.


Even if Mr. Kang's endurance was strong enough, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, stared at his old eyes, and shouted angrily.

"You didn't discuss such a big matter with your family about getting married. Do you still take me as a grandfather seriously?!"

Mr. Kang was on every possible precaution, but he never expected that Kang Junyan would get involved with the Emperor's family quietly.

He was already afraid of Kang Junyan's power, and now adding another imperial family would undoubtedly make Kang Junyan even stronger.

As Kang Junyan grows stronger, he will no longer be able to control and suppress Kang Junyan.

This is what he least wants to see.

How could Kang Junyan not understand Mr. Kang's thoughts?

"Who I marry is my business, what does it have to do with you?"

Kang Junyan spoke coldly, looking at Mr. Kang with a cold look.

When this so-called grandfather helped his ridiculous father and killed his mother, they were no longer worthy of being his grandfather and father.

What's ridiculous is that they are so self-righteous that they think they can control him and make him their puppet?

I have to say, I really get more confused as I get older.

It's time to let them know that Kang Junyan is not something they can control.

Recalling his mother who died covered in blood, Kang Junyan's eyes, as dark as an eagle, gradually lost their emotion, leaving only frightening ruthlessness.

"Treason! Do you know what you are talking about?!"

Kang Shenghui on the side slapped the table again and stood up, glaring at Kang Junyan angrily, "Don't think that you are no longer a member of the Kang family just because you stepped out of the Kang family's old house.

I tell you, unless you die, you will be a member of the Kang family for the rest of your life. This is a fact that can never be changed! "

Kang Shenghui knew that the death of his first wife caused a rift between Kang Junyan and the Kang family.

But it doesn't matter, no matter how much he wants to leave the Kang family, it is simply impossible.

Because he still has the blood of the Kang family, and this is a fact that he can never take away.

It is precisely because of the blood relationship that both the old man of the Kang family and Kang Shenghui determined that Kang Junyan would never escape from their hands.

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