Moreover, Kang Junyan is not completely emotionless towards them, otherwise, after so many years.

Why didn't Kang Junyan take action against the Kang family?

It is because of these two points that Mr. Kang and Kang Shenghui's self-confidence is even more full.

Therefore, they never thought that Kang Junyan would completely fall out with them one day.

"A fact that can never be changed?"

Kang Junyan's eyes were full of ridicule, as if he had heard something ridiculous.

"Just killed your mother, is this a fact that can never be changed?"

As he spoke, Kang Junyan slowly raised his head, and his cold and ruthless eyes met Kang Shenghui's angry eyes.

The moment Kang Junyan met Kang Junyan's gaze, Kang Shenghui felt as if he had seen the King of Hell. He couldn't help but feel cold all over and his body trembled slightly.

When Kang Junyan mentioned his mother, the other three people's expressions were not very good, especially Wang Lirong.

The existence of Kang Junyan's mother undoubtedly reminded her of how she worked so hard to be one of Kang Shenghui's many mistresses.

After being straightened up for many years, she felt a sense of shame every time she thought of her former mistress status.

However, the more she wanted to forget, the more clearly she remembered it.

So she hated Kang Junyan's mother, hated Kang Junyan, and hated everyone who reminded her of her past unhappiness.

"Junyan, why did you mention your mother again?"

Mr. Kang, who was originally extremely angry, miraculously regained his composure, "Your mother's death was an accident. No one expected it."

If he had ignored Mr. Kang's flash of strangeness, Di Yanwei would have almost believed him.

The old fox is indeed an old fox, and his skills are deep enough.


Kang Junyan's lips curved into a sneer, "That was really unexpected, so unexpected that I had to admire my grandfather and father.

Your methods are really amazing. "

Kang Junyan's words were full of ridicule, obviously mocking Mr. Kang.

"Kang Junyan, what do you mean?"

After coming back to his senses, Kang Shenghui's fear still lingered in his heart, but for the sake of face, he acted like his father.

However, what he didn't know was that his so-called father's attitude seemed extremely ridiculous to Di Yanwei and Kang Junyan.

"What do you think it means?"

Kang Junyan asked coldly.


Kang Junyan's attitude made Kang Shenghui's face look increasingly ugly. Just when he was about to get angry again, Mr. Kang suppressed him.

"That's enough, stop arguing."

Mr. Kang's face turned cold and he glared at his son.

Immediately, his expression softened a little, and he said to Kang Junyan, "Junyan, grandpa knows that your mother's death caused you a lot of harm.

However, you can't regard your grandfather and your father as enemies because of this. After all, your mother's death was really just an accident.

I believe that with your current power, you can easily find out. "

Mr. Kang persuaded with sincerity, and finally sighed heavily, with a sad look on his face.

"Although your mother's death was an accident, grandpa is also responsible.

If grandpa had stopped your mother from going out, that wouldn't have happened. "

After saying this, Mr. Kang wiped his old face with his hand sadly and continued, "So, even if you blame grandpa in your heart, it's okay.

However, grandpa hopes that one day you can completely let go, let the past go, the living people are the most important.

Grandpa believes that your mother must also think so. You are her only son, and she must want to see you happy. "

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