
Kang Junyan didn't care much, as if he didn't understand the other meaning of his words.

Seeing Kang Junyan not caring at all, Kang Shenghui, who was sitting opposite, suddenly became excited.

"So you must not be with Di Yanwei. She is the third young lady of the Di family. You should know what she means."

Kang Shenghui said with a gloomy face.

The temperature of Kang Junyan's body suddenly dropped a few points, and his dark eagle eyes suddenly shot towards Kang Shenghui like sharp knives.

"I told you, she is my wife."

Kang Junyan's voice was full of coldness.

“What kind of wife is she? Without my father’s nod, what kind of wife is she?

Even if you really get the certificate, you can still get divorced tomorrow! "

Kang Shenghui, who was in a state of excitement and anger, didn't notice at all that Kang Junyan's face became colder and colder.

"Father? Are you worthy?"

Kang Junyan's face turned completely cold now, his eagle-like eyes full of ruthlessness, "You didn't deserve it before, and you don't deserve it now either!

If I hadn't promised my mother, do you think this so-called Kang family would still exist? "

The ruthless words suddenly rushed into the ears of Mr. Kang and Kang Shenghui, and they couldn't help but feel cold in their hearts.

Kang Junyan seemed not to notice anything strange about the two of them, and continued to say coldly:

"Don't think of me as being so kind. Once I lose my patience, it will make my mother unhappy.

I will also make the Kang family disappear completely in City A. Don't doubt my words. You should believe that I can do it. "

After saying that, Kang Junyan glanced at the two of them coldly, then stood up and walked out with a ruthless aura.

The moment Kang Junyan turned around, the frightened Kang Shenghui quietly put his hand into his pocket and pressed it.

"Jun Yan, are you so heartless?!"

Mr. Kang clutched the tea cup with one hand, stared at Kang Junyan's back, and said coldly.

Kang Junyan stopped and said without looking back, "Ruthlessness? This is what you taught me, and you forgot it so quickly?"

Mr. Kang frowned, and a hint of evil flashed through his old eyes.

"So, that means there is no room for change?"

At this point, Mr. Kang paused, and his eyes staring at Kang Junyan's back became ruthless.

"Jun Yan, I am your grandfather, and I very much hope that you will succeed. If nothing unexpected happens, the Kang family will be yours in the future.

However, you really disappointed grandpa. You actually gave up the Kang family for a woman. "

Mr. Kang shook his head, looking sad.

"You can give up the Kang family for a woman, but as the head of the Kang family, Grandpa will never give up on the Kang family.

So, grandpa gives you one last chance. Do you want that woman or the Kang family? "

At the end of the sentence, Mr. Kang's tone became cold and hard, and it became a bit oppressive.

However, his oppressive power was of no use at all when used on Kang Junyan.

Kang Junyan turned around slowly, with a sneer on his face, and his dark eyes were as cold as an eagle.

"Kang family?"

Kang Junyan sneered, "In my eyes, the Kang family can't even compare to a hair on my wife's head.

As for the last chance you mentioned, I never despise it. "

After saying that, Kang Junyan turned around and left regardless of Mr. Kang's ugly expression.

"Okay, okay, then don't blame my grandfather for being ruthless!"

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