Seeing Kang Junyan's leaving voice, Mr. Kang said hello three times in a row, his voice full of coldness.

Mr. Kang forced Kang Junyan to make a choice, not just because he wanted to prevent the marriage of Emperor Kang's family.

He even wanted to test whether Kang Junyan was still under his control.

Facts have proved that Kang Junyan is no longer controllable by his grandfather.

"Don't worry, Dad, that brat will admit his mistake later and listen to us."

Seeing Kang Junyan leave, Kang Shenghui showed a sinister smile.

Mr. Kang looked at Kang Shenghui with a straight face, "Are you sure you can do everything?"

"Of course, things are guaranteed to go smoothly. Let's wait for that brat to come up and admit his mistake later."

Kang Shenghui looked confident and leaned back on the sofa, feeling very proud.

Seeing that Kang Shenghui was so confident, Mr. Kang's complexion improved a lot.

"Dad, the arms wire in the hands of that brat is a good thing. Are you really going to give it to that person like this?"

As if something suddenly occurred to him, Kang Shenghui frowned and said reluctantly.

Mr. Kang did not answer, but thought for a moment before speaking, "Although the arms line is a good thing, it depends on who it is for.

Even if our Kang family swallows up those arms lines, are you sure you can suppress them? Are you sure you can make it work? "

Mr. Kang asked two questions in succession, which made Kang Shenghui become more and more unwilling.

Unwilling to give up, Kang Shenghui also knew that the Kang family alone would never be able to sustain Kang Junyan's arms lines.

However, one cannot lose such a large piece of fat in vain.

"Dad, that brat's arms line is so valuable. Those people only gave us 500 million. Is it too little? Otherwise..."

The greed in Kang Shenghui's eyes was unmistakable.

Although he didn't finish what he said later, Mr. Kang knew what he meant.

Mr. Kang was silent for a while, and then nodded, "Jun Yan is a member of my Kang family no matter what, and there is no credit but hard work.

Then change the offer from 500 million to 1 billion. I believe that person will not be able to refuse. "

Mr. Kang's old face showed a sinister smile, and the greed in his old eyes made people feel disgusted.

Kang's back garden.

"Yan Wei, shall we sit over there?"

When they arrived in the back garden, Kang Yuling pointed to the stone table in front and said to Di Yan with a smile.

Her gentle attitude towards Di Yanwei was as if she had completely forgotten the unpleasantness in the restaurant that day.

However, I am afraid only Kang Yuling himself knows what is actually going on.

Di Yanwei had no objection and nodded, and the two of them walked over and sat down.

Yan Ping remained silent from beginning to end, following closely behind Di Yanwei.

Kang Yuling glanced at Yan Ping, thinking that there was no trace of it, and smiled slightly at Di Yan.

"Yan Wei, I'm really sorry. The last time my mother and I came to see you, it was because of my grandfather and father's wishes.

I didn't mean to do it. I'm really sorry. Can you forgive me? "

Kang Yuling said apologetically, looking very sincere.

Di Yan smiled nonchalantly and waved his hand, "It's okay, I don't blame you."

Hearing this, Kang Yulin suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, "Yan Wei, you are so kind."

Di Yan smiled slightly at her but did not reply.

good? Are you afraid that you are stupid?

Seeing that Di Yanwei was silent, Kang Yuling didn't pay attention and continued to stir up the topic.

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