My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1379 One shot per person, see who is lucky

Di Yanwei did this not only because of her style of not offending others but repaying them a hundredfold.

It was more because he wanted to vent his anger on Kang Junyan.

Mr. Kang and Kang Shenghui were directly related to Kang Junyan, so it was difficult for her to take action.

However, Wang Lirong and her daughter have nothing to do with Kang Junyan.

After all, Wang Lirong was Kang Shenghui's mistress before, and was the love rival of Kang Junyan's mother.

And Kang Yuling is the mistress's daughter, so Kang Junyan has no feelings for it.

It can be said that it is very generous not to hate Wang Lirong and Kang Yuling.

Seeing that not only Kang Junyan ignored him, but even Di Yanwei didn't take him seriously, Mr. Kang's face suddenly became even more ugly.

An old face turned red from holding back, and his chest was heaving violently, obviously he was very angry.

However, he still held back tightly and did not explode.

After passing this level and dragging Kang Junyan back to the Kang family, he didn't believe it. He couldn't even teach a little girl a lesson!

Mr. Kang was resentful in his heart, and he thought of it as a matter of course.


When Di Yanwei asked, Wang Lirong and her daughter hugged each other, their faces full of fear.

None of them thought that Di Yanwei's choice just now was just talk.

Di Yanwei's cold and ruthless gaze before them was probably deeply engraved in their souls for the rest of their lives and they would never forget it.

"I've given you enough time to think about it. If you don't choose, then I will choose for you."

As he spoke, Di Yanwei took out a small gun from Kang Junyan, loaded it and pointed it at Wang Lirong and her daughter.

"No, no, no, please let us mother and daughter go. We will never dare to do it again. Please, please..."

Looking at the cold muzzle of the gun, Wang Lirong and Kang Yuling looked frightened and kept pleading to Di Yanwei.

A trace of impatience appeared in Di Yanwei's smart eyes. His index finger instantly pulled the trigger, and the bullet suddenly flew out and hit Wang Lirong's feet.


The piercing sound of gunshots suddenly sounded in the huge villa, which made people startled.

"Ah - ah -"

Mother and daughter Wang Lirong were so frightened that they hugged each other with their whole bodies trembling. Tears in their eyes kept falling down their faces, soaking their carefully made makeup.

"Don't, don't kill me, I choose one, I choose one!!!"

Kang Yuling was so frightened that her face turned pale, and her wide eyes were filled with fear.

"And you?"

Di Yan looked at Wang Lirong slightly, his tone so cold that it made people shiver.

"I also choose one, I also choose one, please don't kill me, don't..."

Wang Lirong finally chose to exchange the lives of Mr. Kang and Kang Shenghui for her own.

In the face of life and death, everyone is really selfish.

Is it because the love is not deep enough? Or don’t you love yourself?

Seeing this scene in front of them, Mr. Kang and Kang Shenghui suddenly felt a bad premonition in their hearts.

Sure enough, their hunch was quickly confirmed.

After Wang Lirong and her daughter made their choice, Di Yanwei's lips curved into a sneer, and his smart eyes were full of coldness.

"Now that we have chosen one, let's play a game to see who has better luck."

As he spoke, Di Yanwei quickly dismantled the gun in his hand until there were only two bullets left, and then threw it in front of Wang Lirong.

"There are only two bullets in the pistol now. You only need to fire one shot each. As for who can fire the live ammunition, it depends on your luck."

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