Di Yanwei said indifferently, and then looked at Wang Lirong:

"Let's start with you. Don't have any thoughts that you shouldn't have. Your marksmanship is not as fast as anyone here."

After saying that, Di Yan slightly glanced at the soldiers surrounding them, and the threat was self-evident.

Wang Lirong's face turned gloomy, and her body couldn't help but tremble because of fear.

Finally, under Di Yanwei's cold gaze, he tremblingly picked up the pistol thrown in front of her.

Wang Lirong held the pistol and stood up with difficulty, then looked at Mr. Kang and Kang Shenghui who were sitting on the sofa.

When Wang Lirong saw it, the two of them immediately became vigilant.

It wasn't until Wang Lirong pointed the gun at them that they realized that the choice Wang Lirong and her daughter had made before was to kill them!

"Wang Lirong, you bitch, what are you doing? Put down the gun quickly!"

Looking at the cold muzzle of the gun, Kang Shenghui's face suddenly turned pale, but he still kept his usual attitude and scolded Wang Lirong.

Tears were still pouring out of Wang Lirong's eyes, and the hands holding the gun were shaking violently. It was obvious that she was also extremely scared.

"I, I can't let go. If, if I let go, the person who dies will be me."

Although Wang Lirong couldn't bear to shoot her husband, her eyes were very firm.

After all, this was either Kang Shenghui's death or her death.

Although Kang Shenghui was her husband, in the end, he was still not important enough to her own life.

Hearing this, Kang Shenghui's eyes widened suddenly, filled with disbelief.

"Bitch, I'm your husband, and you dare to kill me!"

While Kang Shenghui was frightened, he couldn't help but burst into anger, pointed a finger at Wang Lirong and cursed, "If it wasn't for me back then, you would have starved to death on the streets.

If it weren't for me, would you have been able to enjoy happiness in the Kang family for so many years? You ungrateful bitch! Put the gun down! "

Although Kang Shenghui kept cursing Wang Lirong, his hands were trembling slightly, revealing the fear in his heart.

Listening to Kang Shenghui mentioning those years, Wang Lirong's expression turned ferocious for a moment, and she struggled for a moment.

"That's right, without you, I wouldn't have starved to death!"

In order to alleviate the guilt in her heart, Wang Lirong revealed her plans back then.

"I just pretended to be pitiful in order to get close to you, and lied to you that I was desperate and asked you to take me in.

Therefore, I will not die without you, so I don’t owe you anything! "

After saying that, Wang Lirong had a fierce look on her face, and her fearful heart was gradually controlled by the desire to survive.

"you you……"

Kang Shenghui's hands trembled even more, as if he didn't expect that he would be deceived by a woman.

"Don't blame me. I don't want to die either. I don't want to die. I really don't want to die."

Wang Lirong shook her head, her hands holding the gun gradually tightened.

Seeing Wang Lirong slowly pulling the trigger, Kang Shenghui was filled with fear.

Suddenly, as if he thought of something, he suddenly looked at Kang Junyan, who had been silent.

"Jun, Junyan, save me, save me, I'm your father, you can't, you can't open your eyes and watch me being killed, you can't!"

Kang Shenghui screamed at Kang Junyan as if he was grasping at the last straw, his eyes full of pleading.

Looking at Kang Shenghui who was pleading with him, Kang Junyan's dark eyes were as dark as an eagle, without any fluctuation.

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