My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1381 Take the opportunity to ask for some benefits?

It was as if neither the life or death of Kang Shenghui, his father, nor the life or death of Mr. Kang, his grandfather, could make him fluctuate in the slightest.

After just looking at Kang Shenghui for a moment, Kang Junyan withdrew his gaze and ignored him.

Kang Junyan's attitude made Kang Shenghui's face turn pale. He wanted to scold Kang Junyan angrily, but he was afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would die faster.

So, he turned his attention to the old man beside him.

"Dad, you have lived for such a long time, it is enough. I am your son. You have to save me. You can't just watch your son die and ignore it!"

Kang Shenghui held Mr. Kang's hand tightly and said in an extremely chilling tone.

Mr. Kang, who had escaped accidently, became furious after hearing Kang Shenghui's words, his old face flushed with anger.

"You evil son! You evil son, what are you talking about?! You actually want your father and me to die?!"

Mr. Kang was so angry that he was shaking all over and stared at Kang Shenghui, as if he wanted to strangle Kang Shenghui's son on the spot.

"Dad, you are already so old. It is better for you to die than for me to die. Don't worry, Dad, I will bury you properly after you die.

I will find a good place for you to be comfortable down there. It will definitely be better than being alive. "

Kang Shenghui said incoherently.

Every word he uttered was so treasonous that it would not be an exaggeration to say that it would strike like thunder from the sky.

However, Kang Shenghui was able to say such things because the upper beam was not straight and the lower beam was crooked. Mr. Kang, as a father, also has a very big responsibility.

Therefore, the only thing to blame is their own evil intentions.

"You, you bastard, bastard..."

Mr. Kang looked in pain. He covered his chest with one hand and pointed at Kang Shenghui with a trembling hand. He could hardly speak.

Kang Shenghui ignored Mr. Kang's painful expression and turned to look at Wang Lirong who was pointing a gun at him.

"You shot this old man, think about it, it is better for him to die than for me to die. As long as I don't die, I can continue to let you live a good life and continue to be your Mrs. Kang."

Kang Shenghui pointed at Mr. Kang with one finger and coaxed Wang Lirong affectionately.

Sure enough, Wang Lirong was moved instantly, and her hand that was holding the trigger of the pistol relaxed.

"Really? You won't lie to me?"

Wang Lirong stared at Kang Shenghui, as if she wanted to confirm whether he was telling the truth.

"Of course it's true. Don't you still know how I've treated you over the years?"

Kang Shenghui nodded quickly in assurance.

Wang Lirong did not make an immediate decision, but stared at Kang Shenghui, her expression constantly changing.

Seeing this wonderful scene of a dog biting a dog bone in front of him, Di Yanwei's lips curled into a hint of sarcasm.

His smart eyes became even more ruthless.

Such a Kang family is not worthy of being Kang Junyan’s family!

Di Yanwei held Kang Junyan's cold hand, looked at him firmly, and silently told him that she would always be by his side.

Kang Junyan, as if he knew what she was thinking, held her little hand back, with a touch of warmth and tenderness in his eyes as dark as an eagle.

For people like the Kang family, he had no feelings for them long after his mother died.

Therefore, no matter what the Kang family did, or what they did to him, he would not feel the slightest.

However, it is also very good to get the little wild cat's care and distress.

Maybe he can take the opportunity to ask for some benefits?

Kang Junyan's eyes flashed slightly, making a small idea in his mind.

As for Di Yanwei, he only cared about Kang Junyan, so he didn't notice the strange look in Kang Junyan's eyes.

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