After a while, Wang Lirong gradually moved the muzzle of the gun towards Mr. Kang.

Seeing the cold muzzle and finally changing the target, Kang Shenghui breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't feel at all that there was anything wrong with letting his biological father die on his behalf.

Kang Shenghui escaped, but Mr. Kang was deeply fearful.

Looking at the cold muzzle of the gun aimed at him, Mr. Kang's hand covering his heart became harder.

At the same time, he was panting heavily, his old eyes full of fear, staring at Wang Lirong, as if he wanted to say something.

However, either because he was too stimulated or because he was too scared, he couldn't say a word.

"Dad, don't blame me, I really don't want to die. When you get down there, don't look for me!"

Wang Lirong felt cruel and pulled the trigger as soon as she finished speaking.

Immediately after pulling the trigger, Wang Lirong closed her eyes subconsciously, not wanting to see the bloody scene.

However, after a pause, no gunshot was heard.

Wang Lirong suddenly looked at the pistol in her hand. She had already pulled the trigger, but no bullets were fired.

In other words, Mr. Kang escaped a disaster.

No gunshots were heard. Some people breathed a sigh of relief, while others looked particularly ugly.

For example, Kang Shenghui?

The pistol had a total of six bullets, but Di Yanwei had only two bullets left. Now Wang Lirong fired an empty bullet.

That means that the chance of Kang Yuling firing a live bullet is two-fifths!

In an instant, Kang Shenghui couldn't help but glared at Wang Lirong, as if blaming her for not firing live ammunition.

Wang Lirong, on the other hand, was still congratulating herself on not killing anyone, and did not notice Kang Shenghui's glare at all.

Seeing that he had escaped, Mr. Kang's hands, which were shaking violently just now, seemed to have calmed down a lot.

As for the pale complexion, it still hasn't improved.

"What a blessing."

Di Yanwei, who was leading the game, chuckled and then turned his attention to Kang Yuling.

"It's your turn. Your mother is lucky. I wonder how you are."

Di Yan's slightly indifferent voice was like a reminder to Kang Yuling's ears, making her weak body tremble even more violently.

Kang Yuling shook her head in horror and looked at Di Yanwei, her eyes full of pleading.

Although she had done many insidious things with her mother, she only asked others to do them and never did it herself.

Not to mention pointing a gun at someone else with your own hands, and that's one of your own relatives.

How could she do this?

"Don't waste my time."

Di Yanwei looked at her coldly, showing no pity or softness at all.

There was no need for her to be soft-hearted when dealing with people like the Kang family.

"Brother, brother, please, please let me go, I don't know anything, I didn't do anything.

My grandpa and father forced me to do this. I really don’t want to do anything I don’t want. Brother, brother, please let me go.

I promise, I promise I will never appear in front of you again, and I will never go against you again.

Please, brother, for the sake of me being your sister, let me go, brother, brother..."

Seeing that begging Di Yanwei was useless, Kang Yuling changed her target to Kang Junyan. At the same time, she crawled over and tried to grab Kang Junyan's trousers.

However, before she could touch her, she was kicked down by Kang Junyan and flew out. She slid some distance on the ground and hit the edge of the coffee table hard.

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