My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1384 If you want to blame, blame you for being too greedy

“If you sign this document, the chief will no longer care about this matter. If you don’t sign, the chief will follow the formal procedures.

The crime of uniting with other countries to murder the leader of his own country is not a small one. "

Yan Ping put the document on the coffee table, pushed it towards Mr. Kang, and at the same time stated the stakes.

Hearing this, the four members of the Kang family, who had just been thankful that they had survived the disaster, immediately became worried again.

"W-what document?"

Mr. Kang sat slumped on the sofa, with a pale face, and asked with difficulty.

"A document that will allow you, Mr. Kang, to enjoy a happy life."

Yan Ping took out a pen from his pocket, placed it on the document, and looked at Mr. Kang calmly.

Hearing this, not only did Mr. Kang's expression change, but the expressions of Kang Shenghui and the other three also changed.

Let's enjoy Qingfu's documents?

That was a hint that Mr. Kang would abdicate. Abdicate? That is undoubtedly the Kang Group.

The Kang Group was founded by Mr. Kang after he retired as commander.

Although the current Kangshi Group has not gone global, it is still among the top ten in City A.

The most important thing is that all the sources of the Kang family come from the Kang Group.

If there is no Kang Group, what will they do with their future lives? They are used to living a superior life.

I can't imagine how miserable they would be after losing all these advantages.

"Mr. Kang, I advise you to sign it.

Otherwise, the crime of uniting with other countries to murder the leader of your country is enough to make you spend the next life in prison.

Even if you hold the Kang Group, it will be of no use. "

Yan Ping completely shattered Mr. Kang's last hope and forced him to make a choice.

"No! How is this possible? The Kang Group is the hard work of the Kang family. How can you just take it away?!"

Kang Shenghui couldn't care less about being afraid and looked at Kang Junyan with a look of reluctance.

"Jun Yan, you can't be so cruel, the Kang Group is the last hope of the Kang family.

Do you want to take away the Kang family's last hope? ! "

Without the Kang Group, there would be no superior life, and we would fall from the top to the dust.

How could he, who had always been aloof and thought he was superior to others, accept this?

"The hope of the Kang family was not taken away by the leader, but given up by you. If you want to blame it, blame it on your own greed."

Seeing Kang Shenghui blaming his own leader, Yan Ping had a look of disgust in his eyes and his tone became colder.

"Mr. Kang, the chief is very busy and doesn't have much time for you. Please make a decision quickly.

It's up to you whether you want to spend the rest of your life in prison with Shi Shi in your arms, or whether you want to sign the contract and enjoy a happy life in the future. "

Yan Ping lost his patience and didn't want to see the ugly faces of the Kang family anymore.

Mr. Kang clenched his hands into fists and closed his old eyes tightly. After a moment, he opened his eyes again, his eyes full of regret.

At this time, Mr. Kang seemed to have aged more than ten years in an instant.

"I'll sign."

Mr. Kang's voice was hoarse, and when he said these two words, he seemed to have exhausted his last strength.

"Then please."

Yan Ping motioned to Mr. Kang to sign the contract.

"Dad, how could you..."

Seeing Mr. Kang pick up the pen to sign, Kang Shenghui's face turned extremely ugly.

"Shut up!"

Mr. Kang glanced at Kang Shenghui, his old eyes full of disappointment in Kang Shenghui.

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