My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1385: Learn from Kang Junyan and forcefully kiss him?

No matter how unwilling the rest of the Kang family was, Mr. Kang finally signed.

After signing, Mr. Kang stumbled and went upstairs by himself.

Kang Junyan did not stop him because his goal had been achieved.

"Let's go."

Kang Junyan stood up and stretched out his hand to Di Yanwei with a calm expression.

Di Yan slightly raised his head and looked at him, his eyes flashing with a hint of complexity, but he still put his hand on his.

Holding the little hand in his hand, Kang Junyan curled his lips slightly and pulled his son away from the Kang family's old house.

Seeing this, Yan Ping quickly collected the signed contract and followed quickly.

inside the car.

"Jun Yan?"

Di Yanwei looked at Kang Junyan carefully, as if he wanted to see something from his stern face.


Kang Junyan looked away from the window and looked at the little wild cat beside him.

"Are you OK?"

Di Yan asked weakly.

After coming out of the Kang family's old house, Kang Junyan remained silent and kept looking out the window.

Give her a sad feeling.

She had never seen Kang Junyan like this before, and she couldn't help but feel a little pain in her heart.

"What can happen to me?"

Kang Junyan curled his lips and asked.

Looking at Kang Junyan, who was obviously getting more and more injured, Di Yan frowned slightly, his smart eyes full of worry.

"Jun Yan, don't be sad. Even if there is no Kang family, you still have me. I will always be by your side to accompany you."

Di Yanwei held his big hand and looked into his eyes tightly, as if she wanted him to believe her.

"I know."

Kang Junyan lowered his head and lowered his eyes, holding her little hand back, his voice was hoarse and lonely.

Seeing him like this, Di Yanwei couldn't help but feel even more anxious and heartbroken.

Her expression became overwhelmed, and she didn't know what to do to make Kang Junyan no longer sad.

She wanted him to be happy, just as he wanted her to be happy.

Suddenly, Di Yanwei's eyes lit up and he rushed towards Kang Junyan. Under his stunned gaze, he kissed his thin lips.

Di Yanwei couldn't help but feel a little hot on his face when he forcibly kissed someone for the first time, and he had the urge to retreat.

However, when he saw Kang Junyan, who was stunned by her sudden forced kiss, he couldn't help but smile and immediately let go of himself.

Imitating how Kang Junyan used to forcefully kiss her, she held his head and kissed him slightly awkwardly.

Di Yanwei, who was concentrating on kissing Kang Junyan forcefully, did not notice that Kang Junyan, who was originally dumbfounded, now had a winning curve on his lips.

Smile and tenderness also appeared in his eyes as dark as an eagle.

The little wild cat seems easy to trick? In the future, maybe you can try it a few more times.

Kang Junyan squinted his eyes slightly, thinking in his heart while enjoying the delicious food of his lover.

Fortunately, Di Yanwei didn't know what Kang Junyan was thinking, otherwise, he might have beaten Kang Junyan on the spot.

Moreover, it is still the kind that shows no mercy.

The temperature in the back seat of the car gradually rose, and Di Yanwei and Wei didn't know when they became tightly entangled.

That picture is simply not too exciting for a single person.

Fortunately, when bubbles started to bubble up on the two of them, Yan Ping, who was driving, cleverly raised the partition.

The car is isolated into two worlds.

Otherwise, he will definitely be tortured miserably.

Feeling the growing noise in the back seat of the car, Yan Ping couldn't help but sigh heavily. The single Wang really couldn't afford to be hurt.

Yan Ping couldn't help but frown slightly and thought, should he stop the car first and then hide himself? To avoid being abused even more?

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