In the end, Yan Ping stopped the car steadily in a sparsely populated place.

Then, I walked not far away and watched the scenery silently.

In the back seat of the car.

At this time, Di Yanwei was laid down on the seat, while Kang Junyan was slightly suspended above her.

Gentle kisses continued to fall on her eyebrows, face, and red lips, and then gradually moved downwards.

And his hands were not idle, they kept moving around her body, trying to get her deeper into it.

Kang Junyan tried hard to create an atmosphere, but Di Yanwei still remembered that they were in the car now.

So, at the critical moment, Di Yanwei suddenly woke up and stopped Kang Junyan's movements.

"No, no, I'm in the car now."

Di Yan opened his hazy eyes slightly, looked at Kang Junyan, and said with a heavy breath.

Although she wanted to comfort Kang Junyan, she never thought about coming to start the car. She was shocked.

And, it’s still on the street!

Di Yanwei's gaze passed through Kang Junyan and looked out the car window, and found that the car had stopped without knowing when.

Moreover, it was parked on a street. Although no one was passing by, there was still a risk of being seen.

In fact, Di Yanwei thought too much.

The glass of Kang Junyan's car is uniform so that you can see the outside from the inside, but you can't see the inside of the car from the outside.

Therefore, even if they do come to make a start, as long as the movement is not too loud, they will not be discovered.

Kang Junyan's eyes were deep and hot, his breathing became heavier and heavier, and he had some reserves somewhere.

However, at such a moment, the person in his arms actually stopped?

This is undoubtedly the most painful thing.

"You can't see it from the outside."

Kang Junyan continued, trying to push her clothes up.

Di Yan was slightly anxious and quickly grabbed his hand. His smart eyes had regained their clarity, "No, not in the car."

Even if people outside can't see inside, she can see outside!

Di Yanwei didn't know how to express the weird feeling he felt while doing this kind of thing and then seeing people passing by outside.

Being stopped again, Kang Junyan raised his head, his dark eagle eyes slightly red, like a wild wolf in the dark night.

"I can't help it anymore."

Kang Junyan took her little hand and placed it on something he had saved for use. He stared at her directly, full of aggression.

Di Yanwei was pulled by him and placed on something by him. Although it was through her pants, she could clearly feel its high temperature.

Almost subconsciously, Di Yanwei wanted to withdraw his hand.

However, she was held down by Kang Junyan, which made her feel his passion for her more clearly.

"you you……"

Di Yan blushed slightly, a little afraid to look directly into Kang Junyan's eyes.

What the hell, Kang Junyan looked like a wild wolf now, eager to swallow her into his belly.

"I feel so bad, help me..."

Kang Junyan gradually lowered his body and placed delicate kisses on her neck.

Feeling Kang Junyan's heavy breath on her neck, Di Yanwei felt that her body temperature was getting higher and higher.

It was like being put into a furnace.

And Kang Junyan was the furnace surrounding her.

"No, not in the car, it's weird."

Di Yanwei's face turned red, but he still insisted on sticking to his integrity.

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