My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1402 Why do you want me to marry Di Yanwei?

Looking at the excited Feng You, Feng Zhou was silent for a moment and then said, "Don't worry, I won't give him this chance."

Hearing this, Feng You was stunned for a moment and then quickly reacted and asked in surprise, "Father, have you already started to attack Kang Junyan?"

Feng Zhou nodded and did not hide anything, "I have already contacted your uncle and he will fully cooperate.

However, if you want to deal with Kang Junyan completely, you must not be anxious, otherwise, you will give him a chance to rebound.

At that time, it will be troublesome. "

Speaking of Kang Junyan, Feng Zhou's eyes flashed with fear and a hint of cruelty.

He is the president of country A, but Kang Junyan's reputation has far surpassed him, and he is also slightly outnumbered by Kang Junyan.

If this continues, within a few years, Kang Junyan will surpass him in terms of reputation and other aspects.

Then, he, the president, would become a person in name only, looking at Kang Junyan's face.

How could Feng Zhou, who had been in a high position for many years, allow others to climb on top of him?

Therefore, Kang Junyan must be eliminated!

"Father, do you think too highly of him?

I think he is nothing more than that. Last time in country F, he was attacked by someone and almost shot and injured.

In my opinion, he is simply superficial and not something to be afraid of. "

Feng You looked arrogant, and his tone was full of disdain and contempt for Kang Junyan, as if he didn't take Kang Junyan seriously at all.

Looking at his arrogant son, Feng Zhou sighed silently and taught him with sincerity, "Son, you can't look at things by their superficial appearance.

Kang Junyan has been able to sit firmly as the leader of country A for so many years, and he is also the largest arms dealer in the country. There must be something special about him.

One cannot judge his ability arbitrarily just because of one thing. "

Although Feng You nodded in agreement with Feng Zhou's teaching, he didn't agree with it in his heart.

As a father, Feng Zhou naturally understood his son.

However, he didn't say much. After all, his son was still young and there was still room for improvement, so there was no rush.

"By the way, in a few days, I will hold a banquet for you to celebrate your return to the country."

Feng Zhou seemed to suddenly remember something and said to Feng You, "Kang Junyan will also come when the time comes."

"Kang Junyan is coming too? Doesn't he never attend such banquets?"

Feng You looked at his father in confusion.

"I asked him to come, and I also asked him to bring the second young lady of God's family."

A calculating smile appeared on Feng Zhou's old face, "Son, when the time comes, you must seize the opportunity."

Hearing this, Feng You became even more puzzled, "Father, what do you mean?"

“There has been a lot of commotion in the Di family recently, and the final power is likely to fall into the hands of Di Beiting.

Di Yanwei is the second young lady of the Di family and the daughter of Di Beiting. If you marry her, you will have a greater chance of inheriting my position as president. "

Feng Zhou said meaningfully, "So, son, whether this round will work or not depends on whether you can grasp it."

"Father, the current power of the Di family is only in business and has nothing to do with military affairs.

Why should I marry Di Yanwei?

Moreover, Di Yanwei is already Kang Junyan's wife. It is impossible for me to marry a broken shoe. "

Feng You said dissatisfiedly, and when he mentioned Di Yanwei, he felt like he was gritting his teeth.

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