Di Yanwei, who had been looked down upon by him before, rebelled against him, and Feng You was extremely angry with Di Yanwei.

Now his father actually wants him to marry her? How can it be!


Feng Zhou frowned, "Who told you?"

"Kang Junyan and Di Yanwei both said, and they still have rings on their hands."

Feng You replied without thinking.


Feng Zhou said firmly, "They haven't obtained the certificate at all. What kind of wives do they think they are?"

"Didn't get the certificate?"

This time, Feng You was a little surprised.

Yan Ping kept claiming to call Di Yanwei his wife, and Kang Junyan and Di Yanwei also acquiesced in their relationship.

That ring is an irrefutable proof. I didn’t expect that I didn’t get the certificate at all?

"They just confirmed their relationship not long ago, so it's impossible to get the certificate so quickly, and the two of them didn't hold a wedding.

The most important thing is that Di Yanwei did not take Kang Junyan to meet his parents.

So, you still have a chance. "

Feng Zhou said meaningfully to his son, "The Dishi Group is not only the top presence in City A, but also the top presence in the entire country A.

In today's society, it's easier to do things if you have money, do you understand? "

Fengyou did not speak immediately, but fell into thinking.

After a moment, he nodded suddenly, "I know, father, I won't let you down."

Feng You looked confident.

Seeing that his son had figured it out, Feng Zhou nodded with satisfaction.

In a dessert shop.

"Sister, here."

Seeing Di Yan Wei come in, the man sitting by the window immediately waved to her happily.

Di Yanwei heard the sound and walked over, followed by several military bodyguards.

"Sister, who are they? Why are they following you?"

Seeing the five bodyguards behind Di Yanwei, Di Yanfeng frowned and asked Di Yanwei.

"Junyan didn't trust me to come out on my own, so he asked them to protect me."

Di Yanwei sat down opposite Di Yanfeng and explained.


After hearing this, Di Yanfeng felt relieved and said, "It seems that he is really nice to you, sister, so I feel relieved."

Di Yanfeng knew everything about Di Yanwei and Kang Junyan.

At first, he was worried. After all, Kang Junyan's reputation for being ruthless was comparable to that of his own brother.

I'm really afraid that my elder sister won't be able to bear it.

However, now that he has seen it with his own eyes, the last trace of worry in Di Yanfeng's heart has been let go.

"Don't worry, Junyan is really good to me. Apart from him, there will be no other person in the world who can be so good to me."

Thinking of what Kang Junyan had done for her, Di Yan showed a knowing smile.

"But you, after staying abroad for so long, why didn't you bring back a girlfriend?"

"We just broke up."

Di Yanfeng shrugged and said nonchalantly.

Di Yanwei had nothing to do with her 'playful' brother, but she believed that her brother would one day meet his true love.

By that time, he would have given up.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

Di Yan took a sip of water and said seriously, "Why are you back at this time? Are you back home?

And don’t you like to get involved in the secret affairs of the Di family? "

Di Yanfeng lowered his head and looked at the cake in front of him with a complicated expression.

Seeing this, Di Yanwei spoke again, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't come back. My father, mother, and Xiao Mo will be fine."

Di Yanfeng still didn't speak, his hands under the table were tightly clenched with bulging veins.

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