"Sister, am I useless?"

Di Yanfeng's voice was full of depression.

Di Yanwei's eyes flashed with a hint of complexity, "No, you are great. You will always be the best and best brother to me and Xiao Mo."

Di Yanfeng shook his head, a flash of pain flashed through his lowered eyes.

"If I had been sent to that place, wouldn't I have become ruthless?"

Di Yanfeng's face was full of pain, "Back then, I should have been the one sent to that place, otherwise I was afraid to ask my brother to help me.

Brother, it won't be like that. "

Seeing her brother in pain, Di Yanwei felt very uncomfortable, but she still tried her best to comfort her:

"Xiao Feng, it's not your fault. Xiao Mo was willing to go in your place back then.

Moreover, he said that even if you don't let him replace you, he will take the initiative to replace you.

Because you are our brother, we all want to protect you and make you worry-free in your life, do you understand? "

Di Yanwei looked at him sincerely, hoping that he could truly get over this matter that had troubled him for more than ten years.

"I understand, I understand everything."

Di Yanfeng slowly raised his head and looked at Di Yanwei with red eyes, "I know you have done a lot for me, but I..."

"It doesn't matter, no matter what, you are our brother, the brother who will always be loved by us."

Di Yanwei held his hand and said with a smile.

"If you really want to do something, be brave and take a step. If you don't take that step, you will always stand still."

Di Yanwei said with deep meaning.

"Sister, do you think I will blame me? I blame me for running away for so many years and not coming back to see him or helping him share the burden."

Di Yanfeng's mood calmed down a lot, and he asked Di Yanwei a little uneasily.

"No, Xiao Mo has never blamed you."

Di Yanwei said firmly, "Besides, Xiao Feng, you have to remember that Xiao Mo has never been ruthless to you or me.

So, don’t think that Xiao Mo is cold and heartless. He just doesn’t care about irrelevant people. Do you understand? "

Di Yanfeng bit his lip and nodded firmly, "I understand, sister."

After a pause, Emperor Yanfeng said again:

“Sister, I don’t want to go abroad anymore, I want to stay, I want to stay and support my brother, I want to stand by my brother’s side and fight alongside him.

I want to let my brother know that I can help him. "

For so many years abroad, he studied hard just to make himself useful and help his brother share the burden.

Hearing this, Di Yan smiled brightly and nodded his forehead, "It seems that our Xiaofeng has grown up.

With you helping Xiao Mo, I feel relieved.

You must remember, no matter what, don't let yourself get into trouble, you know? "

Although Kang Junyan was on Xiao Mo's side, Kang Junyan was also involved in something. If something happened to both parties at the same time, it would be difficult to take care of both parties.

Now that Xiao Feng is back to help Xiao Mo, she finally feels a little more at ease.

"Don't worry, sister, I won't let anything happen to me, let alone my brother."

Di Yanfeng said firmly with eyes filled with determination.

"By the way, sister, I heard that Kang Junyan is not at peace here either. You should be careful when you are around him."

Di Yanfeng said with concern.

Di Yan smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, don't you know your sister and my skills?"

Hearing this, Di Yanfeng gave a thumbs up to his elder sister. Even he couldn't resist her elder sister's fighting power.

Others may be even more difficult to resist.

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