"I feel like shit!"

Di Yanwei covered his handsome face with both hands and ravaged it mercilessly.

"You big bastard, don't think that I don't know what you are planning, I am not afraid of you!"

Di Yanwei's two claws were pulling, pinching, and rubbing on Kang Junyan's handsome face. In short, he used all the tricks he could.

Looking at the reddish marks on his handsome face that had been ravaged by her, Di Yan raised his chin slightly proudly and smiled proudly.

Looking at the arrogant little wild cat in his arms, Kang Junyan couldn't hide the doting in his eyes.


Kang Junyan slowly approached her, with a hint of hoarseness in his voice, "Since Madam is not afraid, let's get started..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Di Yanwei was put on the car seat, and Kang Junyan pinned her down with his strong body.

Before Di Yanwei could take precautions, he suddenly felt an earth-shaking sensation. When he came to his senses, he turned into a trapped little wild cat.

Seeing that Kang Junyan was about to do something random to her, Di Yanwei suddenly became furious and opened his mouth to bite him on the neck.

"If you dare to mess around, I will bite you to death!"

Di Yan bit his neck slightly and said vaguely.

However, Kang Junyan didn't take her threat to heart at all, and moved his two big hands slowly on her body.

And her thin lips also landed on her earlobe, biting it gently.

The strange thing on his earlobe made Di Yan shrink his neck slightly, trying to avoid his little movement.

However, he was hot on his heels.

"Kang Junyan, you big bastard, don't think that I really don't dare to bite you to death. Get away from me now!"

Di Yanwei bit him harder as if threatening.

However, Kang Junyan was still Kang Junyan, and he still didn't take her threat seriously.

Feeling Kang Junyan's small movements, sliding from her earlobe to her neck, Di Yan gritted his teeth slightly and increased the intensity of his bite again.

However, I don't know if Kang Junyan has lost his sense of pain. He continued his actions as if he didn't feel anything.

Di Yanwei was so angry that his face turned red, and there was almost no smoke coming out of his head.

Although she wanted to bite it hard, she still couldn't bear it.

"Kang Junyan, you are just a bastard, a huge bastard!!!"

Di Yan relaxed his mouth slightly and yelled into Kang Junyan's ears to vent his grievances.

Under Di Yanwei's roar, Kang Junyan slowly raised his head and looked at her with an innocent face.

"Asshole! Don't pretend to be innocent for me, don't think that I don't know that you are full of evil, and you are even more evil in your heart!"

Di Yanwei lay weakly on the car seat and growled viciously.

"No, my heart is red. If you don't believe me, touch it."

As he spoke, Kang Junyan grabbed her hand and pressed it against his chest.

Compared with Kang Junyan's calmness and innocence, the anger in Di Yanwei's heart was rising, almost to the point of smoking.

"Touch your butt!"

Di Yanwei rolled his eyes at him angrily, "You're going to take me, right?"

"Madam really understands my heart. In this world, I only eat you, Madam. No one else can even look at you too much."

Kang Junyan beat the snake and followed it with a stick, fighting the shameless and scoundrel to the end.

"Really! Then I want to see whether you eat me or I eat you, the big bastard!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Di Yanwei didn't know where the strength came from, he suddenly got up and knocked Kang Junyan down.

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