My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1419 Who attacks whom? Who suppresses whom?

Then, Yan Ping, who was in the driver's seat, felt the car shaking violently.

Yan Ping seemed shocked by this situation, and then gradually regained his composure, and then continued to drive as if nothing had happened.

The shaking of the car continued until we returned to the villa.

Fortunately, it was night now and we didn't encounter any cars along the way. Otherwise, it would be weird to avoid misunderstandings with the way the cars were shaking.

After parking the car at the entrance of the villa, Yan Ping got out of the car very consciously so as not to disturb the two people behind.

As for what happens next...

At this time, Di Yanwei was sitting on Kang Junyan's stomach, half lying on his stomach, and pressed a little under his neck with one hand.

"Humph, bastard, do you now know how powerful I am?!"

Along the way, the two of them fought to see who could suppress the other.

At the last moment when the car stopped, it was Di Yanwei who suppressed Kang Junyan.

Kang Junyan, on the other hand, was lying on the seat, looking at the arrogant little wild cat with doting eyes.

"Yes, I understand. Madam is very powerful, much more powerful than me."

Kang Junyan followed the good advice and followed her words.

Regarding Kang Junyan's understanding, Di Yanwei rubbed his face with satisfaction.

"Hmph, you know what's going on."

Di Yan raised his chin proudly, then let him go and wanted to get out of the car.

However, as soon as she let go, Kang Junyan suddenly hugged her and knocked her down.

Di Yanwei said, "..." Come again!

"Madam, didn't anyone tell you that you can never underestimate your enemy?"

Kang Junyan approached her with a handsome face, and took a bite on her neck, with a hint of evil charm at the corner of his mouth.

"Yes! Why don't you tell me now."

Di Yan rolled his eyes slightly and said angrily.

After fighting back all the way, Di Yanwei felt so lazy that he didn't even have the strength to push him away.

"Madam, you lost, so... you agree to me."

Kang Junyan spoke in her ear, full of charm.

Then, without waiting for her to regret it, Kang Junyan let go of her, pulled her up, and quickly straightened her clothes.

"Okay, we're home, let's get off the bus."

After saying that, he got off the bus first.

Di Yanwei "..."

Could it be that in this life, she could only be eaten to death by Kang Junyan, a big bastard?

Di Yan grimaced slightly and couldn't help but think bitterly.

"Ma'am, are you waiting for me to hold you?"

Before Di Yan could finish his hard work, Kang Junyan stood by the car door, bent down and said to her with an evil smile.

Di Yan glared at him slightly and got off the car from the other side.

After getting off the car, Di Yanwei ignored him and went directly to the villa, and his steps were getting faster and faster.

Huh, she didn't believe it anymore, so she locked him out of the room to see what other tricks he could play.

She doesn’t want to be with you!

Anyway, she didn't say yes, he said it himself.

Di Yanwei thought proudly in his heart that the speed of walking was almost like running.

However, the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is very realistic.

When Di Yanwei had just reached the second floor and was about to run to the third floor, her hand was grabbed by a big hand.

Di Yanwei hurriedly tried to shake off his hand, but it was in vain. She was still pulled by Kang Junyan towards the second floor.

"What are you going to do? I'm very tired today. I'm going to bed. Please let go."

Di Yanwei was pulled away by him, with a look of bitterness on his face.

At this time, Kang Junyan suddenly stopped, and Di Yanwei directly bumped into him behind him.

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