My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1420 I want to tell you, are you willing to listen?


Di Yanwei's nose hit his strong chest and he almost burst into tears.

Di Yan covered his nose slightly, eyes full of tears, and stared at him accusingly.

Looking at her appearance, Kang Junyan felt distressed and couldn't laugh or cry, "She's really stupid, little idiot."

Kang Junyan pulled her hand down, lowered his head and kissed her gently on her reddish nose.

"You are the big fool. It's not all because of you. Why did you stop so suddenly and why did you bring me here?"

Di Yanwei originally wanted to blow up his hair, but because of his gentle treatment, he couldn't.

"You don't want to know who the woman Feng You is talking about is?"

Kang Junyan calmed down his expression and said calmly.

Hearing this, Di Yan was slightly stunned, his eyes flashed, "If you want to tell me, you will tell me naturally.

If you don't say it, I will understand you, and I will believe you. "

Di Yanwei met his gaze, his smart eyes full of sincerity.

Since it is true love, you should trust the other person. If there is no trust, is it still true love?

Di Yanwei's words made Kang Junyan's dark eagle eyes flash with love and doting.

"Now, I want to tell you, are you willing to listen?"

Kang Junyan's hand touched her white and tender face, his eyes full of affection and his tone with a hint of expectation.

Di Yan smiled brightly and nodded, "Of course I am willing. As long as you say it, I am willing to listen."

Kang Junyan chuckled, opened the door in front of him, took her hand and walked slowly.

As soon as the lights came on, Di Yanwei's eyes widened slightly, filled with surprise.

Because the walls of the room are covered with photos.

Not only is there the woman Feng You mentioned, but there is also a boy with photos from birth to about ten years old.

However, there are no photos taken after the age of ten.

The woman in the photo is a gentle and elegant type. You can tell at a glance that she must have a good temper and she is also a lady.

As for the boy's photo, he didn't smile at all when he took the photo alone. Only when he was taken with a woman did he show a smile.

Both women and boys are similar to Kang Junyan, especially the boy, who is undoubtedly a smaller version of Kang Junyan.

"This is...your mother?"

Di Yan slightly raised his head and looked at Kang Junyan beside him, and asked in a low voice.

At this time, Di Yanwei suddenly felt that the current atmosphere was very depressing, which made her feel sad.


Kang Junyan nodded and looked straight at the largest photo in front of him.

It was a photo of a woman alone, smiling happily, even her eyes were smiling.

“She loved to take pictures, and took pictures of every moment of my life from childhood to adulthood, and then hung them in the room and looked at them every day.

She said that these were the most beautiful moments that she wanted to remember and never forget. "

Kang Junyan's voice was unknowingly hoarse, and he held Di Yanwei's hand a little tighter.

"But her most beautiful moment has long been ruined, ruined by those people!"

At this moment, Kang Junyan seemed to be suppressing something, and the biting coldness in his eyes was frightening.

As for the people he was talking about, Di Yanwei knew that they were people from the Kang family.

"No, her most beautiful moment is you. As long as you are still by her side, it has never been destroyed."

Di Yanwei held his hand tightly, trying to warm him.

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