However, Kang Junyan seemed not to hear it and continued to speak slowly, "Those people not only ruined her expectations, but also made her leave completely."

At this point, Kang Junyan's eyes turned scarlet and he suddenly hugged Di Yanwei tightly in his arms.

Di Yanwei also hugged him tightly, her little hands constantly comforting him on his back.

“That time, I was sick and had a fever, and she was very anxious and wanted to call the doctor.

However, those damn people actually stopped her from making phone calls or letting the servant go out to buy medicine.

It rained heavily that night, and she had no choice but to take me to the hospital in the rain.

She couldn't drive, so she had to carry me down the mountain to the hospital. Just when she was walking down the mountain and thought there was hope, she was hit by a car and died on the spot.

And I was tightly protected in her arms, feeling her getting colder and colder. In the end, she never opened her eyes to look at me again, leaving me alone. "

Kang Junyan's voice was choked with sobs, his eyes were horribly scarlet, and his body temperature was getting colder and colder.

At some point, the two of them knelt on the ground. Di Yanwei hugged him tightly and let his head rest on her chest.

"She finally told me not to hate, because hating is very tiring."

Kang Junyan buried his face in her chest, hugged her tightly, and felt her temperature.

"Your mother loves you very much, so you have to listen to her, stop hating, and live well.

Let her know that you are fine and reassure her. "

Di Yan's nose felt sore, he held back tears and tried his best to comfort Kang Junyan.

"Also, your mother's death has nothing to do with you, so you don't have to feel guilty. It was her willingness because she loved you with her life.

Moreover, she protected you with her life, not because she wanted to make you feel guilty, but because she wanted you to live happily, along with her share..."

"Also, you are not alone, you also have me, Xiao Mo, Yan Ping, and a bunch of your brothers.

In the future... there will be our children, and they will be by your side, just like your mother is by your side. "

As he spoke, Di Yanwei looked at the photo of Kang Junyan's mother, his reddish eyes filled with gratitude.

Di Yanwei's mother is really a good mother.

How many mothers in the world can give up everything for their children? Including one's own life...

"our children?"

Kang Junyan slowly raised his head, rested his chin on her thin shoulder, closed his eyes, and relieved the pain in his heart.

"Yes, we will have children in the future, and even grandchildren, and maybe we will see great-grandchildren."

Di Yanwei nodded heavily and continued to try to comfort him.

Kang Junyan didn't reply immediately, slowly opened his eyes and rubbed her warm little face.

After a long time, the suppression on Kang Junyan disappeared, and a familiar evil charm appeared at the corner of his mouth. Without Di Yanwei's defense, he picked him up.


Di Yanwei was startled when he was suddenly picked up, "What are you doing?"

Seeing him hugging her directly and walking towards the door of the room, Di Yanwei couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"Doesn't Madam want our child? Let's create our child now.

Don't worry, Madam, this time, I will never make Madam exhausted again. "

As he said that, Kang Junyan smiled evilly at her and placed a kiss on her eyebrows.

Di Yanwei, "..."

Regarding Kang Junyan's sudden change, Di Yanwei expressed his confusion.

The atmosphere just now was obviously...why did the style change and it became about making children again?

At the last moment when he left the room, Kang Junyan looked back at a photo, with the most innocent smile on his handsome face.

Just like the boy in the photo, nestled in his mother's arms, smiling innocently, it makes people feel warm.

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