My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1432 Just bet on whether my life should be cut off

Seeing this, Yan Ping said no more, opened some windows, pointed at the enemies outside, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

As soon as Yan Ping fired, Di Yanwei immediately pulled the trigger, and the bullet accurately hit the enemy.

The gunshot wound on Di Yanwei's right back shoulder has healed, leaving only a bullet mark.

Therefore, now she can shoot without any pressure and can kill an enemy with every shot she fires.

In the continuous gun battle, Fifteen passed quickly. However, the opponent's firepower did not seem to decrease at all.

On the contrary, the firepower on Di Yanwei's side was rapidly decreasing.

Seeing that he was about to run out of bullets, Di Yanwei couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Yan Ping, how long will it take for respite to arrive?"

Di Yanwei asked calmly.

"About ten minutes."

Yan Ping thought for a moment, waited for a while and replied, "However, if the chief's side is also attacked, it may take longer."

Hearing this, Di Yanwei's expression couldn't help but change. With their current situation, they might not be able to last even ten minutes.

Let alone more than ten minutes.

"Madam, if... my subordinates really can't protect you, madam, then madam will find an opportunity to jump off the bridge.

Although it was a narrow escape, it still had a better chance of survival than staying here, right? "

Yan Ping rarely got rid of his paralyzed face, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

Di Yan slightly averted his eyes and looked sharply at the enemies outside, but did not respond.

Seven minutes later, Di Yanwei's people used up all their firepower, and there was still one bullet in the pistol Di Yanwei held.

Looking at the hundreds of enemies slowly approaching them, Di Yanwei raised an evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

There was a hint of bitterness in the evil smile.

"Yan Ping, how about we take a gamble?"

Di Yanwei said suddenly.


There was no fear of facing death on Yan Ping's face, and he only looked at Di Yanwei doubtfully.

"Just bet on whether I deserve to die today."

As soon as he finished speaking, without waiting for Yan Ping to react, Di Yanwei opened the car door instantly and quickly got out of the car without waiting for Yan Ping to react.


Yan Ping was startled and rushed over to grab Di Yanwei.

However, it was still too late.

"Yan Ping, let me take a gamble."

Di Yanwei's decisive voice reached Yan Ping's ears.

Yan Ping trembled all over, his eyes filled with self-blame and regret. He failed to protect his wife.

Moreover, Madam was allowed to risk her own life!

Damn it! All deserve to die!

In an instant, Yan Ping's eyes became bloodshot and he wanted to open the door on the other side and rush out.

However, Di Yan took a step forward and blocked the car door, preventing him from opening it.

After Di Yanwei got out of the car, half of the enemy aimed their cold guns at Di Yanwei.

However, this did not make Di Yanwei panic at all.

Or, the purpose of these people may be different from what she suspected, and the target is her.

From the gun battle just now, she realized that none of the hundreds of enemies actually aimed at the car she was sitting in.

Just shoot out the car's tires.

Now seeing that these people were only pointing guns at her instead of shooting, her suspicion was even more confirmed.

Di Yanwei held the gun in his hand and quickly walked to Yan Ping's car door to block it.

Sure enough, even if Di Yanwei was completely exposed in front of them, not one of the hundreds of people fired a shot.

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