"Your target is me, right?"

Di Yanwei's petite body stood upright, like a pine tree that would never bend.

Even if it's life-threatening, it's the same.

None of the hundreds of people answered Di Yanwei.

Just a moment later, a passage slowly opened among the hundreds of people, and a person familiar to Di Yanwei walked out proudly.


Di Yanwei didn't seem surprised at all when he saw Feng You.

"Yan Wei, we meet again."

Looking at Di Yanwei who was not in the slightest embarrassment, Feng You had a gentleman's gentleness on his face, "How is it? Did you go back and confirm what I told you last time?"

"It's confirmed, but it's exactly what you said."

Di Yanwei nodded calmly and his tone was very calm.

Hearing this, Feng You smiled coaxingly, "Yan Wei, a half-hearted person like Kang Junyan is not worthy of your love at all.

Come to me. As long as you are with me, I will treat you well, and I will give you the grandest wedding immediately.

I promise that you will be the happiest bride in the world and make all the women in the world envy you. "

Feng You kept tempting Di Yanwei, but there was no love at all in his eyes.

Some are just endless complacency and greed.

The victory in this gun battle made Feng You feel that he had seen Kang Junyan being trampled under his feet.

Fortunately, he thought Kang Junyan was very powerful before, but it was nothing more than that.

Thinking of this, a ferocious smile appeared on Feng You's face unconsciously.

Emperor Yanwei saw the changes in his expression one by one.


Di Yanwei's expression paused, and he still asked with some uncertainty, "Then are you willing to do anything for me?"

At this moment, Di Yanwei looked at Feng You with expectant eyes, and a pitiful feeling on his fair and tender face.

It makes people pity, especially men.

Sure enough, Feng You blurted out without thinking, "Of course, I love you so much, and of course I am willing to do anything for you."

However, as soon as the words came out of his mouth, Feng You immediately regretted it.

However, before he had a chance to regret it, Di Yanwei quickly answered, "Fengyou, you are really kind.

Maybe what you said is right, I shouldn't be too persistent. "

Seeing Di Yanwei looking at him with joy and admiration, Feng You's arrogant self-esteem was immediately satisfied.

That trace of regret also dissipated in an instant.

"Of course, if we get married, you will be my wife. If I don't treat you well, who else can I treat well?"

Feng You said to Di Yanwei with a doting look on his face.

As he said that, he wanted to get closer to Di Yanwei.

"Wait a moment!"

Feng You had just lifted his feet, and before he had time to get off the ground, Di Yanwei shouted loudly.

Feng You was so startled by her shout that he almost tripped over his feet and threw himself into the street.

"What's wrong?"

After stabilizing his body in a bit of embarrassment, Feng You frowned and looked at Di Yanwei.

"You said you were willing to do anything for me, then...you prove it now."

Di Yanwei's face showed a little shyness, but he still insisted, "Only by proving it, I will know whether you are sincere to me.

I've been sad once and I'm scared.

If you really love me, then prove it to me, okay? "

Di Yanwei didn't seem to see a trace of anger in Feng You's eyes. His smart eyes were flashing with tears, looking like he was pitiful and in desperate need of someone's protection.

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