As soon as he finished speaking, Di Yanwei suddenly released his grip on the rope and let himself fall quickly into the sea.


Di Yanwei fell into the sea, making a loud noise.

Kang Junyan in the sea saw her plummeting down before he could breathe a sigh of relief after seeing that she was fine.

Watching his beloved fall and being powerless, this feeling made Kang Junyan extremely uncomfortable.

His eyes were full of violence, as if he wanted to destroy all creatures that could harm Di Yanwei.

As soon as Diyan Weiren came to the surface, she was immediately hugged, and the force made her feel a little painful.

Before he could be happy, Di Yanwei felt his trembling.

The words Di Yanwei wanted to blurt out immediately swallowed them back.

"I'm all right."

Di Yan hugged him back slightly, patting his back gently with his little hands, comforting him silently.

Kang Junyan didn't say anything, and still held her tightly, unwilling to relax for a moment.

She was afraid that if she relaxed, she would be in danger again.

"sorry that I had you worried."

After a while, Di Yanwei spoke again, his tone full of guilt.

Although, she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong.

However, she knew that she was worried about him.

"From now on, no matter what happens, you just have to wait for me and don't put your life in danger again, you know..."

The scarlet color in Kang Junyan's eyes remained, and his strong body continued to tremble, clearly showing the strong fear in his heart.

Upon hearing this, Di Yanwei did not say anything immediately, his red lips pursed tightly, and his smart eyes showed stubbornness.

Kang Junyan didn't want her to be in danger, and she didn't want him to be in danger either.

After knowing that Feng You arrested her to harm Kang Junyan, how could she obey?

If she hadn't jumped off the bridge, if Kang Junyan hadn't arrived at the last second, she would have been taken away by Feng You and used to threaten Kang Junyan.

Their threat to Kang Junyan was nothing more than asking Kang Junyan to hand over his general power, and moreover, they would eradicate it.

Therefore, she could not promise Kang Junyan that she would wait for him obediently whether it was this time or if the same thing happened in the future.

Not hearing her answer, a look of madness appeared in Kang Junyan's eyes again, "Did you hear that?!"

Kang Junyan's voice was a little louder, and the momentum from his body poured out, making people feel depressed.

I can't help but want to surrender.

However, this person happened to be Di Yanwei, so her aura had no feeling at all.

"don't want!"

Di Yanwei looked stubborn and firmly opposed, "You are afraid that I will be in danger, and I am also afraid that you will be in danger!

You are afraid, am I not afraid? !

Do you think the two father and son of the Feng family will let you go so easily?

No, if you block their way, they will definitely eradicate it and will not let you continue to live. "

As he spoke, Di Yanwei's voice took on a crying tone, and tears kept falling.

Upon noticing her crying, Kang Junyan, who was still very strong at first, suddenly felt distressed.

"Don't cry, don't cry anymore, it's my fault, it's all my fault."

Kang Junyan let go of her slightly, and when he saw the tears falling from her eyes, his heart suddenly felt like it was torn apart and the pain was severe.

That's all. From now on, he can just follow closely.

"It was your fault in the first place. You were so cruel to me just now!"

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