Knowing that Kang Junyan was no longer persistent, Di Yanwei suddenly became arrogant, stopped crying, and stared at him accusingly.

"How could I be mean to you?"

Kang Junyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and looked at her helplessly.

What his little wild cat likes most is when evildoers complain first.

It was like, the first time they met, the little wild cat complained to him first.

Recalling the past, Kang Junyan's lips curled up unconsciously.


Kang Junyan usually spoke to her in a nice and angry tone, but he never spoke to her in a harsh tone like just now.

Therefore, he was cruel to her!

After surviving the disaster, Di Yanwei couldn't help but act coquettishly to his lover.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, then I apologize to you, okay?"

Kang Junyan surrendered again and again, his tone full of doting.

"Hehe, seeing that you have a good attitude in admitting your mistakes, I will forgive you a lot."

Di Yan smiled proudly and said proudly.

Kang Junyan nodded her forehead funny, his eyes as dark as an eagle, full of love.


Before he could finish feeling proud, Di Yanwei suddenly spurted out, and his petite body trembled.

Although it is summer now, the sea water is still very cold.

Seeing this, Kang Junyan suddenly frowned, a flash of self-blame flashing in his eyes.

Because he had lost it and found it, he almost forgot that they were still in the sea with unknown dangers.

"hold me."

Kang Junyan said to Di Yanwei, and then swam out, leaving the sheltered area under the bridge.

After swimming to the bridge and seeing it, Kang Junyan took out a pistol from his body, pointed it at the sky and pulled the trigger.

Not long after the gunfire rang out, a fighter jet quickly appeared above the two of them.

However, because the wind was too strong, the fighter plane could not descend too low, so it had to lower the rope ladder and let Kang Junyan and Di Yanwei catch it.

After confirming that the two of them had a firm grip, the fighter plane took off again.

Five minutes later, Di Yanwei and the two landed safely.

The situation on the bridge has been firmly controlled, and the pistols of hundreds of people have been piled aside, forming a small mountain.

As for Feng You's death, he did not gain any sympathy from Di Yanwei.


Taking the towel brought by his men and draping it on Di Yanwei, Kang Junyan immediately hugged her and walked to the nearest car.

Di Yanwei followed him obediently, resisting the urge to sneeze again.

As soon as the two got into the car, a subordinate hurriedly walked over.

"Reporting to the chief, the fifth young master of the Di family was attacked and has been sent to the No. 1 Hospital of City A for rescue."

The fifth young master of the Di family is Di Yanwei's younger brother Di Yanfeng.


Di Yanwei, who was originally lying lazily on the car chair, was shocked when he heard the subordinate's words.

"Quick, go to the hospital!"

Di Yanwei's eyes were full of worry, his voice was faintly filled with panic, and his body temperature even dropped a lot.

"Don't be afraid, it will be fine."

Kang Junyan put her in his arms and held her tightly to comfort her.

"Why? Why is this happening? It shouldn't be like this."

Di Yanwei hugged Kang Junyan tightly, shaking his head slightly, his face full of grief.

"It's all me, it's all my fault. If I hadn't asked Xiao Feng to stay, nothing would have happened to Xiao Feng.

It's me, it's all me, why, why should I let Xiaofeng stay? He is clearly doing well abroad, why should I..."

At this moment, Di Yanwei was full of self-blame and guilt, and he blocked Di Yanfeng from being rescued after being attacked.

ps: Please don’t worry about whether a wet pistol can still be fired, because the author has no idea [laughing and crying] [covering face]

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