At Kang Junyan's strong request, the two went to a clothing store halfway and changed their soaked clothes.

Then continue to rush to the hospital.

When I arrived, I already knew where I was.

Therefore, Di Yanwei quickly found his parents and younger brother Di Yanmo waiting outside the operating room in the hospital.

"How's it going? How's Xiaofeng?"

Di Yanwei ran over and asked anxiously.

"He was shot in the abdomen and is still being treated."

Di Yanmo looked relatively calm.

Upon hearing this, Di Yanwei's face suddenly became paler and colorless, and his smart eyes were filled with grief.

For a moment, the cold hospital corridor became dead silent again.

Kang Junyan followed Di Yanwei, nodded to Di Beiting and his wife, and then looked at Di Yanmo without saying a word.

Because I know that now is not the time to speak.

Two hours was undoubtedly a very long time for Di Yanwei, who was waiting in the hospital corridor.

After another half an hour, the lights in the operating room finally went out.

"How's it, doctor? How's my son?"

As soon as the operating lights went out, several people waited impatiently at the door. When the doctor came out, Sun Qian hurriedly asked.

"The bullet has been removed and the patient is fine. However, the patient has lost too much blood and will not wake up until tomorrow."

The doctor took off his mask, showed his tired face, and answered to the anxious waiting people.

After hearing this, Di Yanwei, who had been tense, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and tears finally came to his eyes.

After the doctor left, Di Yanfeng, who was still in a coma, was pushed out by the nurse.

Di Beiting and his wife followed, while Di Yanwei, Kang Junyan, and Di Yanmo stood still.

"Xiao Mo, you know why Xiao Feng was attacked, right?"

Di Yan looked at Di Yanmo with slightly red eyes and asked.

"The people from the Di family joined forces with Feng You and launched three waves of attacks. The main targets are you and Xiao Feng, sister."

Di Yanmo did not hide anything.

As for the purpose of these three waves of attacks, even if Di Yanmo didn't say it out, everyone knew it.

"Xiao Feng is our brother, we can't let him get shot in vain."

Di Yanwei was silent for a moment, looking at Di Yanmo firmly, his meaning was self-evident.

"I know."

Di Yanmo nodded, a fierce look flashed across his deep eyes.

"I'll take care of it over there."

Kang Junyan also spoke at the right time.

After the three of them finished chatting, Di Yanwei was forced to take her home by Kang Junyan because she caught a cold.

As for Di Yanfeng, Di Beiting and his wife stayed to take care of him, and they would be notified when they woke up.

"Kang Junyan."

Being carried upstairs by Kang Junyan, Di Yanwei put his hands around his neck, listened to his strong heartbeat, and called him muffledly.


Kang Junyan nodded and looked at her with very focused eyes.

"Aren't you saying that people are very fragile? I almost lost my life accidentally, and I didn't even have time to say the last words."

Thinking of today's experience, Di Yanwei still had lingering fears.

Although she was used to seeing life and death, every time she experienced it personally, she couldn't help but be afraid and grateful.


Kang Junyan was noncommittal, "So, madam, if you have anything unfinished, you should finish it as soon as possible.

Don't give yourself the chance to regret. "

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