
Di Yanwei nodded heavily and did not notice the flash of light in Kang Junyan's eyes.

"You too, let's not let ourselves regret it."

Kang Junyan opened the door, walked in with her in his arms, placed her gently on the big bed, and then propped himself on top of her.

"I won't let myself regret it, and I will never let you regret it, so..."

Kang Junyan said firmly, knowing what was going on.


Di Yan blinked slightly, waiting for his next words.

"So let's go get the certificate and hold our wedding. Last time, you already agreed to my proposal.

Even if you want to regret it, it's already too late. "

Kang Junyan's lips curved into an evil smile, and his eyes as dark as an eagle were filled with cunning sparkle.

"I never said I would regret it."

Di Yan blushed slightly and glared at him.

Then with a strong force, the two people's positions were reversed, and she declared like a queen, "You will be mine for the rest of your life, and you will never regret it."

"Well, I'm yours."

Kang Junyan was full of doting and very cooperative with her.

After Di Yanwei finished enjoying the feeling of the arrogant queen, Kang Junyan took her to the bathroom and personally took her bath.

After the two of them finished washing and lay on the bed hugging each other, Di Yanwei suddenly said, "Kang Junyan, should I make the decision on my wedding?"

"Well, it's all up to you. Whatever style you like is up to you."

As long as you marry me.

Kang Junyan is very talkative, like a filial husband.

Di Yanwei expressed satisfaction with his answer.

"What if I want a grand wedding?"

Di Yan couldn't help the smile on his lips, but his tone was very arrogant.


Kang Junyan's tone was filled with doubts, and he obviously didn't know what a grand wedding was.

Di Yan smiled slightly proudly, "Just ask your brothers and subordinates to escort me.

For example, if one person marches ten steps from the Di family to here, don't you think this is huge? Hahaha--"

After finishing speaking, Di Yanwei couldn't help but laugh because she was completely joking.

However, what she didn't know was that Kang Junyan took this completely seriously.

"Okay, our wedding will definitely be grand, and you just need to be my bride."

Kang Junyan said dotingly.


Di Yan raised his head slightly and looked at him with bright eyes, "Then why don't we do something different.

For example, at night, we took a fighter plane to see the night view and saw the entire country A.

This should be considered romantic, right? At least, no one else has tried it. "

As he spoke, Di Yan nodded calmly, with a look of thinking on his face.

Hearing this, Kang Junyan's eyes flashed, and a hot dark light flashed from his eyes.

However, Di Yanwei, who was lost in his own thoughts, did not notice it.

However, even if he is aware of it, he will never think about it in that direction.

Therefore, after Di Yanwei knew what he was thinking, it was already too late to regret and run away.

presidential palace.

In the study room.

"Sir, the plan failed."

The old housekeeper opened the door and entered, anxiously speaking to Feng Zhou who was sitting behind the desk.

"How could it fail?!"

Feng Zhou originally looked at the documents calmly, but after hearing the old housekeeper's words, he stood up suddenly.

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