"Where's Yu'er? Tell him to come back quickly."

Suddenly, Feng Zhou seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly told the old housekeeper.

However, the old housekeeper stopped talking, with a sad look on his face.

Seeing the old housekeeper's appearance, Feng Zhou suddenly felt uneasy, "Speak, where is You'er?!"

Feng Zhou walked up to the old butler, grabbed his collar, and stared wide-eyed.

"Old, master, young master...Young master, he is dead."

The old housekeeper looked at Feng Zhou and stammered.


The uneasiness in his heart was confirmed, Feng Zhou was so excited that he threw the old housekeeper to the ground.

He yelled at the old housekeeper, "How could You'er die, there are more than a hundred people there, even if Kang Junyan arrived.

Youer can also take advantage of the chaos to escape, it is impossible to die! "

Feng Zhou's old eyes were terribly scarlet and full of madness, like a devil crawling out of hell.

Seeing Feng Zhou like this, the old housekeeper couldn't help feeling scared.

"Young master, young master wanted to grab the gun from one of them. That person thought that the young master wanted to attack him, so he shot the young master..."

The old butler shared the information he had received.

Feng You's situation was undoubtedly in the hands of his own family, it was really sad enough.

Feng Zhou stared at the old housekeeper, trembling violently, as if being stimulated by an overload.

"Old, master, you'd better leave quickly, Chief Kang knows that this matter was done by you, master, and he will definitely not let you go."

Although the old housekeeper was afraid in his heart, he still persuaded Feng Zhou.

"Hehe, let's go? Where are we going?"

Feng Zhou seemed to be a different person suddenly, he was so calm that it was scary, he walked to the side of the sofa and sat down.

"With Kang Junyan's ability, do you think I can escape?"

Feng Zhou said to the old housekeeper, his tone was full of sarcasm and despair.


The old butler couldn't bear it. It could be said that he watched Feng Zhou walk all the way, but he didn't expect to end up like this.

Feng Zhou waved to him, and slowly closed his eyes, "You go, but before you go, I hope you can help me with something."

"Master, you said, as long as I can do it, I will do it."

The old butler stood up from the ground with a loyal and respectful expression on his face.

"Prepare a bomb for me, don't ask about the others."

At this moment, Feng Zhou seemed to be ten years older, his old eyes were full of grief and hatred.

Even if they die together, he will avenge his son!

The old housekeeper paused, but finally nodded in agreement.


A day later, Di Yanwei heard a piece of news from Yan Ping.

Said that Feng Zhou had tied a bomb to his body, and wanted to kill those old fellows from the Emperor's family and avenge his son.

However, it was discovered by the guards of the emperor's family.

Therefore, in the end, Feng Zhou still failed to avenge his son, and instead blew himself up in the emperor's house.

Those old fellows of the Emperor's family heard that they were so frightened that they fainted on the spot.

However, Di Beiting, his wife and Di Yanmo did not feel sympathy for them at all.

At the same time, they took the opportunity to take away the power in their hands, so that they could spend their old age in the old house that was bombed obediently.

As for those little ones, they were also kicked out of the Di Clan, and the Patriarch of the Di Clan was changed to Di Bei Ting.

A month later, the dust finally settled.

Di Yanwei finally brought Kang Junyan back home and let Kang Junyan formally meet her parents.

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