"Okay, you can give mommy a massage~~"

Upon hearing mommy's promise, Di Moxin's little bun immediately cheered happily.

Immediately, the two buns pulled Mommy to lie down on the sofa. The two buns each used their two chubby hands to massage Lin Qianyi's legs and arms.

"Hmm~~ The babies are great, the massage is so comfortable."

Lin Qianyi lay face to face on the sofa, with the corners of her mouth raised, enjoying the massage service of her two buns.

Hearing Mommy praising them, the two buns immediately felt better, and at the same time they worked harder to massage Mommy.

Gradually, Lin Qianyi fell asleep after being massaged, and her eyelids began to tremble.

After running for more than two hours, drinking beer, and now being massaged by two buns, I feel so comfortable that I can't even think about whether I'm sleepy or not.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, my dears. Mommy is very sleepy now and has to go back to her room to sleep. My dears, you should also go to bed early."

With her last bit of consciousness, Lin Qianyi said to the two buns.

Immediately, he had to get up from the sofa.

However, he was immediately stopped by two little buns.

"No, no, no, mommy sleeps here. Little Baozi and brother also want to give mommy a massage."

Seeing that mommy was about to leave, Di Moxin's little bun immediately became anxious, and he quickly lay down on his mommy's back.

"Baby, be good. Mommy is really sleepy. Can you give Mommy a massage tomorrow?"

Feeling the weight on her back, Lin Qianyi didn't dare to get up for fear that the bun would fall.

"No, no, no, mommy can sleep here if she's tired. If mommy sleeps here, Little Baozi and brother can continue massaging mommy."

Di Moxin lay desperately on Mommy's back and couldn't get off.

Lin Qianyi, "..."

In fact, you can continue to massage her in the room.

However, Lin Qianyi also knew the persistence of the two buns, so she gave up the idea of ​​returning to the room.

"Okay then, after the babies finish massaging Mommy, please remember to wake Mommy up."

As Lin Qianyi spoke, her eyes slowly closed, and her voice became soft and weak, apparently very sleepy.

"Okay~~ Mommy, go to sleep."

Seeing that Mommy wouldn't leave, Di Moxin immediately got down from Mommy's back and continued to massage Mommy happily.

At the same time, he also secretly gave his brother a Y sign.

And Di Mo Shen Da Baozi also gave a rare Y gesture in return.

Seeing that her brother responded to her, Di Moxin smiled even more happily.

five minutes later.

"Brother, little Baozi's hands are tired..."

Di Moxin, the little bun who had been massaging his mother, lowered his voice, leaned close to his brother in a low voice, and said with a small mouth.

Di Mo Shen's face was expressionless, but his hands were actually a little tired.

After all, no matter how precocious he is, he is still just a three-year-old child.

Di Moshen stopped massaging and carefully approached his mother, trying to make sure whether her mother was really asleep.

Seeing his brother stop, Di Moxin's little bun couldn't wait to retract his two chubby hands.

Then he followed his brother's example and moved closer to Mommy, looking at Mommy's face that seemed to be sleeping soundly.

"Brother, is mommy asleep?"

Di Moxin asked his brother in a low voice.

"have no idea."

Di Mo Shen also responded in a low voice, "Call mommy, but keep your voice down."


After listening to his brother's instructions, Di Moxin's little bun immediately nodded his head.

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