Then he leaned close to Mommy's ear and called her "Mommy" softly, but Lin Qianyi, who was sleeping soundly, didn't hear her.

"Brother, mommy is really asleep."

Seeing that mommy didn't respond to her, Di Moxin said happily to his brother.

"Keep your voice down, don't wake mommy."

Seeing his sister's voice suddenly getting louder, Di Mo Shen immediately frowned.

Realizing his mistake, Di Moxin's little bun immediately covered his mouth and looked at his brother with an innocent face.

"Okay, let's call daddy."

Mommy is asleep, and all the tasks assigned by Dad can be completed by calling him.

Thinking of completing the task assigned by their father, the two buns couldn't help but feel happy, their little cheeks glowing red.


When he heard the call to his daddy, Di Moxin's little bun immediately ran over to the landline not far away.

"Brother, hurry up, hurry up."

Di Moxin, the little bun who was running in front with his short legs, saw that his brother was walking slowly, so he immediately urged him.

"Slow down, don't wake up mommy by falling."

Seeing that his sister was running a little too fast, Di Mo frowned deeply and moved his short legs to catch up with her.

In case she really falls and wakes up Mommy who finally fell asleep.

"would not."

When her brother said that she would fall down, Di Mo Xin's little bun immediately became unconvinced and ran even faster.

Di Mo Shen, who was chasing after her, could only watch anxiously as his little sister ran faster and faster.

"Brother, look, the little bun didn't fall down."

After running to the landline, Di Moxin stopped and looked at his brother who was a step behind with a proud look on his face.

Di Mo Shen gave his sister a helpless look, then picked up the phone with his chubby little hands and pressed the familiar number.

Seeing that her brother was ignoring her, Di Mo Xin's little bun pouted unhappily, and secretly rubbed her face as if she had accidentally stepped on her brother.

Di Moshen pressed the phone number and turned to look at his sister.

Di Moxin opened his smart eyes, his little face was full of innocence, his two chubby hands were behind his back, secretly making a Y sign.

Di Mo was helpless and doting on his sister's little naughty, and rubbed her soft hair with his big hands.

"Brother, please don't rub little bun's hair. The hairstyle will be messy. Mommy finally tied up little bun's hair."

Di Moxin, who had two pigtails in her hair, avoided her brother's fat hand that was making trouble on her little head.

He looked at his brother faintly, his big and smart eyes full of accusations.

Di Moshen ignored his sister's accusation because his father had already answered the phone.

"Daddy, Mommy is asleep, you can come in."

Di Mo Shen said in a low voice to the phone.

Seeing his brother talking on the phone, Di Moxin immediately moved forward and squeezed his brother's phone, wanting to hear what Dad had to say.

However, without her listening, Di Moshen hung up the phone.

Looking at the hung up phone, Di Moxin pouted and looked at his brother even more aggrievedly.

The bad brother didn't even let her talk to her father.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Di Moxin, who originally wanted his brother to coax him, saw his brother walking out and immediately followed him anxiously.

"Open the door for Dad."

Di Moshen kept walking and quickly walked towards the door of his home.

Immediately, the two little buns ran toward the gate on their short legs as if they were competing.

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