Looking at the favorite crayfish and the least cold vegetables in the bowl, while helplessness flashed in Lin Qian Yi's eyes, a warm current also flashed in her heart.

Picking up the crayfish in the bowl, Lin Qian Yi ate with a look of happiness, and then, under the gaze of Kissing Fourth Master, ate the vegetables too.

After she finished eating, another shucked crayfish and a piece of vegetable appeared in the bowl.

In this way, one is responsible for peeling the shrimp shells, and the other is responsible for eating, and the meal is extraordinarily warm.

In Xia Yuwei's opinion, her son-in-law is really great!

He looks cool, but he treats his wife with extra gentleness, and he only has his wife in his eyes, and can't see other flowers and plants.

This kind of man is really the best of the best!

It seems that her daughter is really lucky to meet such a man, tsk tsk, her daughter is the real winner!

Xia Yuwei thought happily in her heart, and at the same time, she did not forget to show off and cast a glance at Xia Baizhi who was opposite her.

She has found out about Xia Baizhi and her daughter.

This shameless little woman actually robbed her daughter's ex-boyfriend! What a deception!

However, thinking of her, she really has to thank her for taking it, otherwise, the one who fell into the fire pit would be her precious daughter.

That Jiang Yijie is a person, she has been checked clearly, her character is really not that good.

So, what kind of person really deserves what kind of breed, if it weren't for these two people, her precious daughter might not have met her current top-notch son-in-law.

Thinking of this, Xia Yuwei gloated even more, and at the same time felt happy for her daughter's unlucky luck.

Just grab anyone and register, and you will find a man with excellent character, appearance, identity, and background!

At this moment, Xia Yuwei couldn't hide the smile on her face, it was like a blooming chrysanthemum.

However, the people on Xia Yuwei's side were happy, while Xia Xueli and Xia Baizhi were not feeling well.

Especially Xia Baizhi, after seeing the interaction between Lin Qian Yi and Di Yanmo, became even more jealous of Lin Qian Yi.

At the same time, comparing Di Yanmo with Jiang Yijie, she immediately felt that Jiang Yijie was a scum at all! Not even a corner of Di Yanmo!

The desire to get Di Yanmo is getting bigger and bigger, almost to the point of madness.

And Xia Xueli, who had always been aloof, faced Xia Yuwei and Lin Qian Yi's face-to-face again and again, and the anger in his heart continued to accumulate.

However, due to Di Yanmo's identity and background, he insisted on enduring it. After eating a meal, his face turned livid and he was furious.

After finally finishing the meal, before Xia Xueli could speak again, Xia Yuwei asked to go to the living room to watch TV.

Naturally, Lin Qian Yi was happy to cooperate with her old mother, and Di Yanmo, a wife slave, naturally followed her little wife.

As for the old man of the Xia family, he was naturally happy to ease his relationship with his daughter, so he happily went to the living room and watched TV dramas with his daughter.

During this period, Xia Xueli tried to speak several times, but Xia Yuwei cleverly cut them off, so that Xia Xueli did not say a complete sentence all night.

"Tsk tsk, why is there no more, I haven't watched it enough yet."

Looking at the TV screen with subtitles up, Xia Yuwei had a look of resentment.

Looking at the childish side of her old lady, Lin Qian Yi shook her head helplessly. As an old lady, her favorite thing is to watch TV series, which has almost become one of her hobbies in life.

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