My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 147 Lin Qian Yi's Pressing Every Step

Xu felt that it was almost done, so Xia Yuwei looked at Xia Xueli, who had a bad face.

"By the way, what did you want to say just now?"

Xia Yuwei blinked her eyes and looked at Xia Xueli innocently.

It was as if it was the person Xia Xueli said on purpose just now, as if it wasn't her.

Hearing Xia Yuwei's words, Xia Xueli was so aggrieved that he wanted to slap him in the face. In the past, he was the one who judged people's face, but today he repeatedly judged people's face, and he was the person he despised the most before!

Xia Xueli took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and forced a smile on his face.

"It's like this, Yuwei, even though my father drove you out of the Xia family in a fit of anger back then, how can you say that the blood of the Xia family is flowing on your body, so... I plan to transfer my own shares to Give you three percent of the shares."

Xia Xueli endured the pain in his heart, gritted his teeth and continued, "Yuwei, I hope you can accept it, although you are not my real sister, but after all, we are brothers and sisters, I still hope you can live a good life .”

Xia Xueli looked like an elder brother caring about his younger sister, and what he said was heart-warming.

However, Xia Yuwei and Lin Qian Yi, who had known Xia Xueli thoroughly for a long time, didn't believe him at all.

With the blood of the Xia family? brother and sister? Hope she lives well?

Listening to Xia Xueli's words, Xia Yuwei sneered a few times in her heart, and even more mockery appeared in her eyes.

She and Xia Xueli are half-brothers and sisters, so it is true to say that they are siblings.

However, when she was kicked out of Xia's house back then, Xia Xueli watched coldly, and even indulged his wife, making things difficult for her everywhere!

If she wasn't strong enough, I'm afraid she would have lived like a dog long ago!

So Xia Xueli's words undoubtedly reminded her how much he and Zhang Dongmei made her feel bad back then!

"Hey—brother and sister? Hope my mom lives well?"

After hearing Xia Xueli's disgusting words, Lin Qian Yi sneered unceremoniously, and looked at Xia Xueli mockingly.

"I think you wish my mother would stay far away from Xia's house after being kicked out by Xia's house, right? Or...don't show up again."

Lin Qian Yi said coldly, a cold look appeared in her bright eyes.

"In this way, today's incident will not happen, and at the same time, you will not reluctantly transfer 5% of Xia's shares to my mother's name in order to save Xia's Group from going bankrupt!"

Every time Lin Qian Yi said a word, Xia Xueli's face turned pale, and his sharp eyes stared at Lin Qian Yi fiercely, as if he wanted to tear Lin Qian Yi apart.

"What? Am I wrong?"

Seeing that Xia Xueli's face was getting more and more ugly, Lin Qian Yi continued to add fire, trying to make the flame more vigorous.

Comparing what Xia Xueli and Zhang Dongmei did to her mother back then, she now only attacks them with words, she is already considered a fighter in kindness!

If it wasn't for her old mother who didn't let her bring down the Xia Group, how could the Xia Group still exist today?

If her mother and daughter don't do anything, do you really think her mother and daughter are easy to bully? !

"Qian Yi, I'm your uncle, why did you talk to me as an uncle?!"

Xia Xueli clenched his hands into fists, controlled the urge to strangle Lin Qian Yi to death, and continued to speak with a false face.

"Moreover, I am sincere in transferring 5% of Xia's shares to Yuwei's name. After all, Xia's group also has your share."

In the end, Xia Xueli looked at Xia Yuwei with deep meaning, and at the same time looked at Mr. Xia who had not spoken from the corner of the eye.

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