My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 155 Once again escaped the crisis of being eaten by the fourth master

After a night without dreams, Lin Qian Yi used her coquettish trick again to escape the crisis of being eaten by Di Yanmo.

However, can it really be avoided all the time?

Waking up in the warm embrace the next day, Lin Qian Yi was in a particularly good mood, and took the initiative to kiss her fourth master and give her a big hug.

Feeling his little wife's good mood, the corners of Di Yanmo's mouth curled up slightly, and his deep eyes were full of doting.

After making an appointment to have lunch with her relatives, fourth master, Lin Qian Yi got in the car, went to the set, and continued her day of filming.

"Madam happy?"

Seeing the smile on Lin Qian Yi's face, Yan Shiqi, who was driving, couldn't help asking.


Lin Qian Yi replied with a smile, and the smile on her face became stronger again.

"Is it related to the boss?"

In the end, Yan Shiqi could not hold back the curiosity in his heart and asked.

After seeing the relationship between his wife and the boss, she became more and more curious about Lin Qian Yi, the wife of the boss.

The BOSS who has always been cold and heartless, showing no mood swings towards anyone, unexpectedly showed a gentle expression in front of his wife.

And that pair of eyes that were originally only cold, instantly changed into pampering eyes when they touched Madam.

If it was before, even if she died, she would not believe that their cold and heartless boss would have mood swings because of a woman, let alone pamper her!

"Hee hee, that's right."

Lin Qian Yi smiled and said mysteriously.

She couldn't say yes, escaped the crisis of being eaten by the fourth master, and felt the joy of victory, right?

Tsk tsk, if the kissed fourth master knew what was going on in her heart, he would definitely teach her a lesson.

Although the fourth master kisses her so much, he won't beat her or scold her, but...

She was afraid that she would be eaten by her fourth master!

Thinking of the sourness of being eaten, Lin Qian Yi weakly wanted to drill a hole!

Knowing that Lin Qian Yi didn't want to talk, Yan Shiqi didn't ask any more.

In fact, she had already leapfrogged when she asked Lin Qian Yi those questions just now.

Generally, people who make such mistakes will be punished.

Of course, Yan Shiqi had the courage to ask such a question precisely because his Hades boss was not here.

Otherwise, even if she was given all the courage, she wouldn't dare to commit a crime knowingly in front of the boss!

That would definitely lead to a miserable death!

As soon as Lin Qian Yi arrived on the set, she was pulled aside excitedly by Qi Ling.

"What's wrong? You won the lottery? So happy early in the morning."

Lin Qian Yi was dragged away by her, and said jokingly.

Qi Ling pulled Lin Qian Yi to the dressing room where she was resting, the smile on her face was like a blooming chrysanthemum.

"Tsk tsk, that's more satisfying than winning the jackpot, hahaha."

Sitting on the chair, Qi Ling couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing Qi Ling's non-stop laughing, Lin Qian Yi became more and more puzzled.

"What is it that makes you so happy? Could it be that Song Le confessed to you?"

Lin Qian Yi raised her eyebrows, propped her chin with one hand, looked at Qi Ling with a half smile and said.

When Lin Qian Yi said this, Qi Ling's laughter stopped abruptly, with an unnatural expression on his face.

"Ahem, sister-in-law, what nonsense are you talking about? Song Le and I have nothing to do with each other, and he never said he likes me again, sister-in-law, please stop making trouble."

Qi Ling coughed twice, and said with a flash in his eyes.

Lin Qian Yi glanced at her playfully, and smiled wickedly.

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