"Didn't I say I like you? What do you mean, if Song Le said he liked you, would you accept him?"

Lin Qian Yi said with a smile, deliberately misinterpreting her meaning.

She is still very interested in the job of matchmaker.

The important thing is, if the two get married, how can she, a matchmaker, get a red envelope?

Tsk tsk, if she can work for her family's fourth master, then... the salary should be quite a lot, right?

That way, she can buy a better birthday present for her mother.

Thinking of the big red envelope that she would get in the near future, the smile on Lin Qian Yi's face was treacherous no matter how you looked at it.

"Sister-in-law...sister-in-law, what are you talking about, how...how can Songle like me."

Qi Ling became more and more unnatural, even a layer of pink appeared on his face.

Only after she decided to turn her gaze away from Di Yanmo, Qi Ling discovered that Song Le was the person who appeared the most in her life.

Whether it is when she is sad or happy, the people who are always by her side accompany her.

It has always been Songle.

Thinking about it now, she found that she had unconsciously regarded Song Le as an indispensable part of her life.

If it wasn't for Lin Qian Yi's appearance that made her give up on Di Yanmo, she would never have discovered this in her entire life.

After discovering this, Qi Ling became at a loss as to what to do when facing Song Le.

So, recently she has been avoiding Song Le, trying to figure out how she feels about Song Le.

Looking at Qi Ling who was lost in thought, the smile on Lin Qian Yi's face became even more treacherous, as if I had seen through you a long time ago.

"Tsk tsk, as long as anyone with eyes knows that he likes you, right? Every time he knows you appear, his eyes want to stick to you. It's simply not too obvious."

Lin Qian Yi rolled her eyes and said a little speechlessly.

"Don't tell me you don't know."

Lin Qian Yi gave her a sideways look, and said with some contempt.

"Cough cough."

Qi Ling's face turned even redder, and he didn't dare to meet Lin Qian Yi's gaze.

Because, she has a guilty conscience! And it's ridiculous!

She just said that she really didn't find out before, did she find out recently?

If she really said it, then she would definitely get a big contempt from her own sister-in-law, plus a mentally retarded look!

Therefore, in order not to be despised and suspected mentally retarded by her own sister-in-law, she had better not say anything.

"Oh, sister-in-law, I brought you in to share a piece of good news with you."

Qi Ling rolled his eyes, took the tablet on one side, turned it on, and put it in front of Lin Qian Yi, "Look, sister-in-law, it's definitely news that will make you happy."


Lin Qian Yi glanced at her suspiciously, but still took the tablet.

After seeing the headline of the news, Lin Qian Yi Bainen smiled instantly.

If you look carefully, you can still see the gloating in the smile.

"Hee hee, how about sister-in-law? Is it a news that can make you very happy?"

Qi Ling said with a smile.

In Qi Ling's smile, there was also a gloating smile, obviously he didn't like or disgusted the protagonist of this news.

Looking at Yu Yao's scandals flying all over the sky, Lin Qian Yi nodded, "It's indeed pleasant news."

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