My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 160 The Coldness in Lin Qian Yi's Eyes

"What's going on! Why do the props in your hand hurt people?!"

Seeing that something was wrong, the director Wan Xuanmin immediately ran forward, glanced at Jia Huijing who was clutching her wound and trembling, and yelled at Liu Xiyue.

"I... I, I don't know, I really don't know, I..."

Seeing the continuous flow of blood from Jia Huijing's right shoulder, Liu Xiyue suddenly became frightened.

Just now she was blinded by the jealousy in her heart, but now that she came to her senses, she immediately regretted it.

If this matter is found out, it is she who tampered with the prop sword and even injured someone.

If it breaks out, she will definitely be ruined!

The more she thought about it, the more frightened Liu Xiyue became, and a look of fear was evident on her face.

However, seeing the frightened look on Liu Xiyue's face, the director Wan Xuanmin mistook that she didn't know why this happened, so that's why it happened.

"Take her to the hospital first."

After covering Jia Huijing's wound with a towel, Lin Qian Yi said to Wan Xuanmin.

Wan Xuanmin frowned, but finally nodded and ordered Jia Huijing to be sent to the hospital.

However, Jia Huijing's going out undoubtedly caused the media to report it.

The male lead's scandal happened only yesterday, and it happened again today. This crew will undoubtedly be pushed into the limelight by the media.

After Jia Huijing was taken to the hospital, everyone's eyes turned to Liu Xiyue.

Some people even wondered if Liu Xiyue did what happened just now on purpose.

After all, before the filming started, many people saw that Liu Xiyue deliberately picked on Jia Huijing.

"Why are you looking at me like this? I didn't do it on purpose, how do I know this prop will behave like this?!"

The gazes of the crowd made Liu Xiyue even more flustered, and shouted at the crowd.

Wan Xuanmin took a deep look at Liu Xiyue, and then looked at the sword thrown to the ground by Liu Xiyue.

Seeing Wan Xuanmin looking at the prop sword, panic and fear flashed in Liu Xiyue's eyes. If Wan Xuanmin finds out that the prop sword has been tampered with, then she will be finished!

Lin Qian Yi and Qi Ling could see Liu Xiyue's reaction clearly.

Thinking of the scene just now, a coldness flashed across Lin Qian Yi's bright eyes.

Just now, she clearly felt that Liu Xiyue's stabbing sword was aimed at her!

But it wasn't Jia Huijing who responded quickly, she might have been stabbed just now!

At this time, the director had already picked up the sword. However, what surprised people was that the prop sword could be stretched freely.

In other words, this prop sword can't hurt anyone at all.

But... Jia Huijing was stabbed just now, and the blood and wounds are impossible to fake.

In the end, everyone thought that Liu Xiyue's mistake just now was due to a problem with the props, and it had nothing to do with Liu Xiyue at all.

Liu Xiyue was safe, but the prop master who gave Liu Xiyue the sword was out of luck and was fired immediately.

Due to the mistake just now, Wan Xuanmin announced that there is no need for filming today, and it will continue tomorrow.

When leaving, Lin Qian Yi saw the flash of complacency in Liu Xiyue's eyes, and... an imperceptible needle on the ground.

Just after Lin Qian Yi took off her makeup, a cell phone rang suddenly in the dressing room.

Lin Qian Yi heard the sound and looked, and found that it was a cell phone ringing where Jia Hui was sitting just now, and that cell phone belonged to Jia Huijing.

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