"Ma'am, do I need to close it?"

Yan Shiqi, who was standing aside, glanced at the phone and asked.

"Need not."

Lin Qian Yi shook her head, then continued to tidy herself up.

Then, when Lin Qian Yi finished packing and was about to leave, Jia Huijing's cell phone rang again.

This is already the fourth time.

Lin Qian Yi thought about it, and felt that the person who called Jia Huijing might be in a hurry, so she walked over to answer Jia Huijing's call.

After answering the phone, Lin Qian Yi frowned, and then walked out quickly.

"Ma'am, what's the matter?"

Seeing Lin Qian Yi's expression was wrong, Yan Shiqi asked.

"Well, follow me to deal with something."

Lin Qian Yi nodded, and walked towards the parking lot without stopping.

When he almost reached the car, Qi Ling chased after him.

"Yiyi, why are you walking so fast without waiting for me? Let's have lunch together? Then go shopping together."

After Qi Ling talked about Lin Qian Yi, he said happily that he didn't find anything unusual about Lin Qian Yi at all.

Lin Qian Yi shook her head, "No, I have something to take care of, so let's go shopping next time."

Hearing this, Qi Ling, who was originally happy, suddenly turned bitter, and looked at Lin Qian Yi pitifully.

"Really not, I'm really in a hurry."

Lin Qian Yi continued to walk quickly, and resolutely refused.

Only then did Qi Ling realize that Lin Qian Yi's expression was wrong.

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter with you? You don't seem to be in a good mood. Did something happen? Do you want me to help?"

Qi Ling looked at Lin Qian Yi worriedly and asked.

Lin Qian Yi just wanted to refuse, but suddenly changed her mind and told Qi Ling about the matter.

"Then I'll go with you, more than one person is fine."

Qi Ling nodded, and then looked at the assistant behind him, "You go back first, I'll call you if I need anything."

After finishing speaking, several people just arrived at the parking place and quickly got into the car.

Ten minutes later, the car arrived at the gate of a hospital.

The three got out of the car and rushed into the hospital quickly.

Almost twenty minutes later.

"Sister-in-law...you brought me here because you want to blackmail me, right?"

Standing at the door of an operating room, Qi Ling accepted the bank card from Lin Qian Yi with a forced face.

Seeing Qi Ling's expression on the verge of crying, Lin Qian Yi gave her a big smile.

"You asked me yourself, and you also wanted to follow me. I didn't force you. Since you did it voluntarily, how can I say that I blackmailed you?"

Lin Qian Yi said with a smile, that little girl was as innocent as she wanted.

"Besides, it's only a million dollars. For a big star like you, it's just a drop in the bucket."

After speaking, Lin Qian Yi gave her a blank look.


Only a million? Her sister-in-law said it so easily!

One million is indeed a drop in the bucket in her eyes, but! That was also her hard-earned money!

Since she graduated, all the money she spent was her hard-earned salary, and she didn't take a penny from her brother! ! !

It is conceivable that every penny is her hard-earned money! !

If Lin Qian Yi knew what Qi Ling was thinking, she would definitely kick her directly.

Hard-earned money? !

What the hell is a big star whose endorsement is worth several million, and he actually calls one million hard-earned money? ! !

Is Qi Ling going to heaven? !

Although it is hard money, but! It has nothing to do with a dime of hard-earned money, right?

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