My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 162 Kiss Fourth Master's Wronged Complaint

"Sister-in-law, how can you say that, every penny is money."

Qi Ling said pitifully.

Of course, Qi Ling didn't really feel sorry for the one million operation fee, but wanted to talk to his sister-in-law more.

Then I can hug my sister-in-law's thigh tightly!

"It's worth it."

Lin Qian Yi looked at the operating room with lights on, and said meaningfully.

"Well, I hope she's okay."

Qi Ling put away his unscrupulous face, and said with a trace of gravity on his face.

Sitting in the corridor of the hospital, the two fell silent for a while.

Suddenly, Lin Qian Yi's cell phone rang, breaking the silence instantly.

Seeing that it was Kissing Fourth Master displayed on the phone, Lin Qian Yi shrunk her neck suddenly, she had forgotten her family's Kissing Fourth Master.

"Hey, kiss fourth master, have you had lunch yet?"

Lin Qian Yi walked to the side to talk on the phone, with a slightly flattering tone.


Di Yanmo returned coolly.

"Then you can order takeaway quickly. It's bad if you're hungry. Pay attention to your diet."

Hearing that his dear fourth master hadn't had lunch yet, Lin Qian Yi said with concern.

Lin Qian Yi didn't notice this subconscious concern at all.

In other words, Lin Qian Yi didn't notice that Di Yanmo had quietly entered her heart and gradually became a part of her.

Hearing his little wife's concern, the coldness on Di Yanmo's body instantly dissipated a lot.

"eat together."

Di Yanmo frowned and said.


Lin Qian Yi felt guilty about letting her own fourth master's pigeons go.

Although she released Qinqin Fourth Master's pigeons because of an emergency, she didn't think of his Qinqin Fourth Master during that time.

If fourth master hadn't called her, she might have forgotten him to the North Pole.

Therefore, Lin Qian Yi was even more hypocritical.

"You promised."

The chill on Di Yanmo's body had just subsided a lot, and they gathered together again, causing Di Yanfeng, who was sitting opposite him, to stare blankly.

At this moment, Di Yanfeng had no choice but to admire his brother's powerful skills in freely retracting and releasing the air-conditioning.

It's really beyond his reach!

Lin Qian Yi was taken aback, her bright eyes blinked several times before she came back to her senses.

Just now, her family kissed the fourth master, and there seemed to be a trace of grievance in her tone? !

sky! Is the fourth master of her family suing her? !

Thinking of the look of grievance on Kissing Fourth Master's cool face, Lin Qian Yi's eyes suddenly burst into love.

The contrast between her relatives and fourth master is cute! Really loving! ! !

Although I can't see the contrast between kissing the fourth master's grievances with my own eyes, but I can flirt!

YY kissed fourth master's aggrieved expression, and Lin Qian Yi's heart softened instantly.

"I'm sorry, dear fourth master, I just encountered an urgent matter here. Human life is at stake, so... I can't have dinner with you today!"

Lin Qian Yi softened her tone, as if coaxing a child.

"I'll go back and serve you dumplings tonight, okay? Let's change the flavor tonight, just stuffed with mushrooms, okay?"

In order to get the fourth master kissed, Lin Qian Yi simply coaxed and lied, and even abandoned her integrity again and used her coquettish skills.

There was a long silence on the phone, and then a low and charming voice came.

"One week."

Lin Qian Yi was stunned at first, and then quickly reacted, and suddenly she couldn't laugh or cry.

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