Therefore, if you ask who is the most disgusting person in City A, Xia Baizhi is undoubtedly the first, and Yu Yao is the second.

After all, compared to Yu Yao forcing others, Xia Baizhi's self-deprecation and shamelessness are more repulsive and disgusting.


And the last supporting role is Du Man.

After returning to the rental house from the airport, she stayed in the rental house in fear and dared not go out.

However, even without going out, her house was attacked inexplicably.

Either being splashed with red oil, or someone smashing the glass at night, and various other things.

It almost made Du Man, who was hiding in the house, almost collapsed.

In the end, Du Man didn't go out because he was extremely hungry, but was kicked out by the landlord.

Just because she hasn't paid the rent for several months.

A few days later, Du Man was photographed by reporters living on the street, dirty all over, and obviously hadn't showered for a long time.


After following her fourth master to the huge CEO's office, Lin Qian Yi sat in her exclusive place - the soft couch.

At the same time, under the coffee table, he skillfully took out a tablet and started watching Conan that he hadn't finished watching last time.

Seeing his little wife's skillful movements, Di Yanmo smiled slightly, walked over and kissed her on the forehead.

Then, he walked behind the huge desk and started his day's work.

Half an hour later, there was a knock on the office door.

Lin Qian Yi thought it was Yan Yi who reported the work, so she didn't pay much attention.

However, after a while, she felt that a person was walking beside her.

"Ma'am, Young Master Feng asked me to bring it. I'm going out first."

Yan Yi didn't wait for Lin Qian Yi to speak, so he spoke directly.

Then, without waiting for Lin Qian Yi to react, she went out again.


Looking at the closed door, Lin Qian Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

"Sister-in-law, look here, look here."

Just when Lin Qian Yi was speechless, Di Yanfeng's lively voice came from the tea table.

To be precise, it was the laptop on the coffee table, and Di Yanfeng's voice came out.

Lin Qian Yi turned her gaze to the computer that was connected to the video, and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"What's wrong? Why don't you call?"

After Lin Qian Yi glanced at the people on the computer, she looked at the tablet in her hand again.

"We are worried about sister-in-law. We want to see sister-in-law, so we can see how sister-in-law is doing through the video."

Di Yanfeng said with a smile.

However, Lin Qian Yi could clearly feel the worry in his tone.

The corners of Lin Qian Yi's mouth curled up slightly, and a warmth flashed in her bright eyes.

"Thank you for your concern, it's just that the knee is scratched a little, everything else is fine."

Lin Qian Yi looked at the computer, smiled gratefully and said.

"That's good. We wanted to ask how you were doing yesterday, but we didn't want to disturb you and Brother Mo, so we didn't ask."

At this time, Qi Ling suddenly appeared on the screen and said worriedly to Lin Qian Yi.

At the same time, there was a hint of ridicule in the words.

"Yes, yes, after you left yesterday, how have you been?"

Before people saw it, Su Xiaoqing's voice came out first.

After the voice fell, Su Xiaoqing appeared on the video screen with a face full of laughter.

Immediately, several familiar faces appeared on the screen one after another, even the cool Ding Yang appeared among them.


Lin Qian was silent.

How does she feel, they don't want to see how she is doing.

Instead, she wanted to know what happened to her after she and her fourth master left?

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