My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 382 The feeling of being connected with each other is wonderful

Lin Qian Yi narrowed her eyes slightly, and said with a smile, "How about something? Didn't you say you're going to have lunch?"

Want to talk to her? Think beautifully!

She wouldn't tell them that on the way to dinner, she was almost thrown down by her fourth master!

Lin Qian Yi gritted her teeth, but there was nothing unusual on her face.

"Did anything happen on the way to lunch, or during lunch?"

Song Le lay on Di Yanfeng's back, looked straight at Lin Qian Yi on the video, and asked gossip.

The others also stared at Lin Qian Yi closely, trying to see something from her expression.

However, Lin Qian Yi has the potential of an old fox, so how could they easily see through it?

"for example?"

Lin Qian Yi put down the tablet, crossed her legs, propped her chin with one hand, and asked casually.

The people on Di Yanfeng's side, immediately you look at me, and I look at you.

In the end, everyone's eyes fell on Di Yanfeng who was sitting at the front.

Di Yanfeng, who received everyone's attention, glared at them unhappily, then looked at his sister-in-law with a smile.

"It's just like... There's a little quarrel, or there's a quarrel, and sister-in-law, are you angry or something?"

Di Yanfeng asked cautiously while rubbing his hands.

As for the others, after Di Yanfeng's words came out, they immediately stretched their ears, looking forward to Lin Qian Yi's answer.

However, Lin Qian Yi blinked innocently, looking at fourth master who was working seriously.

"Yanmo, did we have a quarrel yesterday, or were we unhappy?"

Lin Qian Yi asked with an extremely innocent appearance.

However, the crowd on the other side of the computer.

When Lin Qian Yi opened her mouth, she ran away in an instant, leaving only the lonely couch.

Hearing his little wife's question, Di Yanmo raised his head and looked at her intently, "No."

Di Yanmo answered seriously, and then asked again, "Who asked?"

Di Yanmo's deep voice clearly reached Di Yanfeng.

In the empty video, Di Yanfeng's bitter face instantly appeared, with strong pleading in his eyes.

Lin Qian Yi smiled brightly at him, then ignored him, and looked at her fourth master again.

Seeing his sister-in-law ignoring him, Di Yanfeng's expression became even more bitter.

He almost got out of the computer and apologized to his sister-in-law.

Sister-in-law or something, it really is too scary, he is afraid!

Just when Di Yanfeng thought that he would be sent to the North Pole by his brother.

Lin Qian Yi spoke slowly, how beautiful that voice sounded to Di Yanfeng!

At least at this moment, Di Yanfeng really thinks so.

"No, I'll just talk about it."

Lin Qian Yi smiled slightly at her fourth master, her bright eyes were shining with the light of a successful prank.

Looking at his little fox-like wife, Di Yanmo pursed his lips, his deep eyes filled with pampering.

Then, he returned to work.

With the cooperation of her fourth master, Lin Qian Yi smiled even brighter.

Tsk tsk, does this mean that she has a spiritual connection with her fourth master?

She didn't say anything just now, and she didn't say anything implied.

Her fourth master already knew that she wanted to scare Di Yanfeng, a bastard?

I have to say that this feeling is really wonderful and very good.

Lin Qian Yi looked at the computer and looked at Di Yanfeng who was glad to have come back from the dead.

He couldn't help but continued to tease, "Little Fengzi, what's wrong with you? Why do you look like you're going to be weak?"

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