As a result, more people and more weird eyes fell on Di Bowen who almost ate a dog gnawing mud.

Di Bowen was so ashamed and angry that his whole body trembled. If he could, he would definitely strangle Lin Qian Yi to death!

The strange eyes of everyone made Di Bowen's pace quicker.

After he got on the car waiting outside the hospital, he felt a slight wetness in the middle of his buttocks.

Di Bowen's eyes widened in disbelief, his hands trembling, and he slowly touched his buttocks.

When you see the bright red blood in your hand.

Di Bowen became even more ashamed and angry, even his eyes were slightly scarlet, and he almost stopped every word, gnashing his teeth and roaring, "Lin! Qian! Yi!"

The driver driving in front did not dare to breathe for fear of being affected by Di Bowen's anger.

the other side.

Looking at Di Bowen who was almost running away, Lin Qian Yi smiled smugly.

Now, all revenge has been avenged.

"Very happy?"

Looking at the little wife who was smiling like a little fox, Di Yanmo gently scratched the tip of her nose, and asked dotingly.

Lin Qian Yi nodded very honestly, "That's right, who told me that he wanted to attack me before, and also tried to drive a wedge between us and make him chrysanthemum red, it's already very good."

Lin Qian Yi said arrogantly.

"Grudge-loving little thing."

Di Yanmo smiled slightly, and walked towards the hospital with his arms around her waist, his tone full of irresistible pampering.

"Hmm, I like to hold grudges, what's the matter? Are you going to despise me?"

Lin Qian Yi turned to look at him and hummed.

Don't make that threatening appearance too obvious!

The smile in Di Yanmo's deep eyes became more intense, "No, no matter what my little wife becomes, I will like it."

Lin Qian Yi slightly bent her eyes, very satisfied with her fourth master's answer, "Then what if I become an old woman? Would you still like a wrinkled old woman?"

Lin Qian Yi looked at him straight, not missing any of his reactions.

Di Yanmo looked down at her, meeting her bright eyes.

"Of course, my little wife, even if she is wrinkled and old, she is still beautiful."

As he spoke, Di Yanmo bent down slightly, and gently kissed her on the forehead.

Lin Qian Yi's face was filled with embarrassment, she felt a little embarrassed when she was confessed by Chi Guoguo.

Looking at his shy little wife, Di Yanmo's stern face became softer and softer.

Soon, the two arrived at Xie Yuze's ward.

When the two arrived, they saw Xie Yuze looking out the window thoughtfully, and didn't even realize that someone had come in.

"Kuukou——Yuze, how are you doing? Are you feeling better?"

Lin Qian Yi knocked on the door first, and then spoke.

Hearing the sound, Xie Yuze hurriedly turned to look at the door.

When he saw that it was Lin Qian Yi, Xie Yuze's eyes flashed an inexplicable dark light.

It seems to be hiding something.

And this strangeness in him was fully seen by Di Yanmo.

"Thank you for your concern. I'm fine. The doctor said that I can leave the hospital tomorrow."

Xie Yuze quickly covered up the strangeness in his eyes, and raised his usual gentle smile.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

"What fruit do you want to eat? I'll wash it."

Lin Qian Yi put the fruit basket on the side cabinet and asked Xie Yuze.

"My tastes haven't changed."

Xie Yuze replied that he didn't answer the question, and his eyes still passed Di Yanmo's body vaguely.

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