However, Lin Qian Yi knew the meaning of Xie Yuze's words.

"I see."

Lin Qian Yi nodded, then took out a big apple from the fruit basket, and went to the bathroom to wash the apple.

Only the two people whose auras were wrong were left in the ward.

"Yi remembers."

After a moment of silence in the ward, Xie Yuze was the first to speak, and said something thoughtlessly.

Di Yanmo sat gracefully on the sofa beside him, and the powerful aura emanating from his body did not weaken at all.

"so what?"

Di Yanmo said casually.

Seeing Di Yanmo's undisturbed expression, Xie Yuze frowned slightly.

"Of course it means that Yiyi has a place for me in her heart, otherwise, she wouldn't have come to see me."

Xie Yuze said in a very firm tone.

However, to Xie Yuze's disappointment, Di Yanmo's cold face remained unchanged.

"I brought her here."

Di Yan counterattacked concisely.

However, these words have two meanings, depending on how you understand them.

One understanding is: it was Di Yanmo who brought Lin Qian Yi to see Xie Yuze, not Lin Qian Yi who wanted to come.

The other is: Lin Qian Yi only came to see Xie Yuze after getting Di Yanmo's consent.

However, these two meanings are not what Xie Yuze wants.

Sure enough, Xie Yuze showed a look of shame and indignation for a moment.

Just when he was about to say something, Lin Qian Yi came out of the bathroom.

After Lin Qian Yi came out, she noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere.

However, she didn't care.

"Here, the fruits in this fruit basket are all good, you can eat slowly."

Lin Qian Yi handed the washed apple to Xie Yuze.

Xie Yuze took it with a smile, "Thank you."

Lin Qian Yi smiled, then walked to her fourth master and sat down.

Seeing the two sitting close together, Xie Yuze's eyes darkened, and at the same time, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

It seemed like a decision had been made.

After Lin Qian Yi chatted with Xie Yuze for a while, she proposed to leave.

I wanted to explain that when Xie Yuze was discharged from the hospital tomorrow, I would come here, but her fourth master stopped coming because he had something important to do.

Lin Qian Yi could only smile apologetically at Xie Yuze.

Looking at the two people who hugged and left, Xie Yuze slammed the bed under him hard, with a hideous expression on his face for a moment.


After getting in the car, Lin Qian Yi looked at her fourth master who was expressionless, and asked with a smile.

Di Yanmo glanced at her, then looked away, and responded in a low voice, "En."

For such a lovely and honest fourth master, Lin Qian Yi smiled even more happily.

"Hey, don't be jealous, I'll make dumplings for you when I get home tonight."

Lin Qian Yi reached out and patted his head, and said with a smile, "I'm cooperating with Yuze in the new drama, so we can't make the relationship too rigid."

Lin Qian Yi seemed to be explaining the latter words.

Di Yanmo looked at her quietly for a while, then said in a low voice, "I know."


After returning to the office, the two still occupy their own space without interfering with each other.

However, in the huge office, there is a warm atmosphere.

Seeing the new email titled 'Xie Yuze's Love History', Di Yanmo clicked on it, and browsed it calmly.

Di Yanmo had just finished reading when his cell phone rang.

"Hey, how is my brother? Did you read what I sent you?"

As soon as Di Yanmo connected, Di Yanfeng's excited and excited voice came from the phone.

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